Chapter Forty Nine

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"Okay, so lemme get this straight," Taylor said. "You- the person who made Felix run away- want us to believe that you know exactly where he is. You think he's in the Alt world, with his boyfriend, who he never mentioned and we never knew about. And you want us to go find that boyfriend that you met once, and you are convinced that the boyfriend and his family are going to cut Felix's wings off."

"Yes. I promise you, it's where he is, and he's in trouble." I begged. Zain had always given me really bad vibes, but now it all made sense. He didn't really like Felix, he just wanted to fulfill his sadistic need of cutting others' wings off because he was so insecure about himself.

"Well, where do you think he would be?" Alex asked his hands on his hips. I ran my hands through my hair.

"I don't know." I breathed. "I can't sense where he is and if he isn't responding to anyone we can't track him."

"Fuck, can we really not find him?" Hudson asked.

"No, we've all just been standing around and worrying about him for no goddamn reason and he's actually in his room right now crying and I never yelled at him," I said. "Yes, of course, we can't fucking find him."


I scratched at my brain. I was trapped inside my head, kind of like when I went blank when Owen gave me a pill thingy. But this time, my senses had just shut down. I wasn't aware of anything. But I knew I had been betrayed and hurt. Hurt very badly. Otherwise, I would still be alive and well. Maybe I was dead. Who knows? I reviewed my facts.

Fact 1: I was at Zain's house, and then I lost consciousness. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I just did. And now, I was trapped in a senseless coma.

Fact 2: I still had my memories. They weren't overpowering me or hurting me in any way, but I could still remember things and bring up specific moments.

Fact 3: I was trapped. I. Was. So. Trapped. Zain had trapped me and everything was going badly and they were hurting me like I knew it could have but I tried to trust them and it didn't work.

Fact 4: I had kind of doomed myself so I couldn't be saved. Owen's spider senses or whatever he had on me weren't working because I was absolutely and positively fucked. JOY!! 

Fact 5: I had no more facts. Which was horrible, because facts were important and details were some of the most important things in the entire universe so.....I was fucked on the utmost level of fucks.

HUMPTY DUMPTY! I heard something say in the darkness. I MIGHT HAVE DONE SOMETHING BAD! It shouted.

"Hello?" I called into the darkness of my mind, my voice echoing. I knew my physical body wasn't moving, but the mental part of me was perfectly fine in the darkness. Just chilling.

"Hello?" Someone else said back. That.....wasn't an echo. It sounded like me but wasn't fading away and getting quieter and quieter. And it was close. "Hello?" I stopped cold in my tracks. A shiver crawled up my spine.

"Are you friend or foe?" I yelled back into the darkness. A reasonable question. The voice hesitated.

"I'm....not sure. A friend to others, yes I hope, but a friend to myself, oh I don't know." The voice said back. And it was sad. Which kind of made my heart break.

"Can you step out of the darkness? I'm sure you're a friend. There's nothing to break, there's nothing to bend." I replied to the darkness. At first there was only a whisper, some words. Was the voice talking to itself? Maybe? I don't know. Also, what the fuck was up with the rhyming? I swear it wasn't on purpose. My brain must be doing something really, really fucking weird.

"But I am a monster, you'll run and you'll hide. And meanwhile I watch, and you'll then see me cry."

"Monsters are we, and now I will protect. I'll save you from heartbreak, anger and regret." I replied. I wanted to care for this little voice, no matter what. They were mine to keep and be nice to and protect and make sure they didn't do dumb shit that would get their feelings hurt and their friends to be really angry at them and that would leave them with self harm scars and a really, really bad fucking nicotine addiction.  They weren't going to make the same mistakes I made, ever.

At first, all I saw was the voices arms, and then a little girl stepped out into the darkness. She had to have been maybe 10 or 11. Her hair was blue, and went down to her butt. I opened my arms, and she ran and hugged me. Her skin didn't feel like anything in my arms, but her warmth radiated into my body. I looked up to try to get a good look at her, but she faded away.

"Hello? Where did you go?" I cried into the dark. A strange crackling noise. Hmm. I stepped forward, and something else started to come out of the darkness. I turned around and sprinted.


"Do you think you can do the weird mind search thing with Zain? Or at least try to find the memory of where Felix is through Zain?" Hudson asked me.

"I don't think so. The first time I search someone's memory I have to have physical contact with them, and even then it's hard to do it when the person isn't directly in front of me." I replied. It was a valid question, but I had been over it about a hundred times in my head, so hearing it out loud just stressed me out more, as well as irritated me.

"Do you think you could just try with Felix?" Elijah asked. Gabriel, Will, John, and Luna had all gone to bed. Alex, Taylor, Hudson, Elijah, and I were taking turns sleeping and calling people. We couldn't technically alert the Court, but Felix was a really, really special case, so they might make an exception for him. But I don't know. Taylor kept rubbing her eyes in her sleep, and muttering a few things

"I tried a little while ago- he must be blocking his thoughts from me. Even the special guardian shit isn't working. Someone is probably teaching him magic."

"Have you tried mentally shouting to him?" Taylor asked, awakened. "Like, a code word or something. Maybe not something like AJR, but do y'all have any like- safety words for him. Even just random things he'll text you." I thought about that.

"I.....can try. It might now work. I don't know." I racked my brain for words that he might know. He would text me things like I want to die, I don't want to die, and things like that, but nothing that really stuck out at me as super important. The others spat out other phrases: Fucking damn shit, three dollar target hair spray, Juice Box Boy, and the big Mama "I wanna go home."

"Okay, guys, we need to go to bed. Felix.....he's probably okay." I said. This was going nowhere. "I'll report it to the court immediately tomorrow, but I'm tired and so are you." The others reluctantly went to bed, but for a moment, Taylor stuck around.

"This may not work, but the two that stuck out at me the most were 'I might have done something bad',  and 'Humpty Dumpty'" She paused, as if waiting for me to say something like 'oh my gods, you're right! That's perfect!" But I didn't have the enegry for that.

"Thank you." I said. Her eyes looked like they needed to say something. Like she knew something that I needed to know but she wasn't going to say shit. She only nodded her head and turned away.

I summoned all my strength to do a mental shout. I can't speak into peoples minds, but I can do a loud yell and transmit all of my energy into a crowd of people to talk to one of them. Only people with thought secondary magics can do something like this, and Theres more to it, yes, but I'm too tired to explain and understand.

"HUMPTY DUMPTY!" I whispered to myself. I found it easier to transmit if I said the words outloud. Only silence followed, and the echoing of the words inside of my head. I closed it off to only the fledlings in the area, meaning I could give some little 9 year old a heart attack. But, you know, it's worth it. "I MIGHT HAVE DONE SOMETHING BAD!"

hello...? I heard a little voice say. My heart soared. THAT FUCKING SOUNDED LIKE FELIX! I poured the rest of my energy into the mental shout.

"FELIX!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?! PLEASE TELL ME YOUR ALIVE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I said, and stumbled into my bunk before I collasped. No reply. But, I fell asleep with a smile lingering on my face. I had hope.

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