Chapter Forty Five

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       "Shhh, it's okay baby. I swear it's okay." Zain said and stroked my thigh while they held my head against their chest. "Everything is going to be fine."

      "But what if it isn't?" I hiccuped. "What if Owen hates me and the friend group never speaks to me again and I never get trained?" Zain stayed silent but squeezed me tighter. Silent sobs raked through my body. "I wish I could just get rid of these goddamn wings."

       "Do you really?" Zain asked, and lifted my head up from their chest. I stared into their gray eyes, not processing their words. Instead, I pressed my mouth against his and went in for a slow, nice kiss. Zain pushed me away for a second and kept my eyes glued to theirs. "Do you really want to get rid of them?"

       "Maybe sometimes yes." I squished. Zain pushed my cheeks together and laughed. We were sitting in their room. They found me almost instantly and led me back to their home. I was bawling like a baby the entire time. Every time they told me everything would be okay, or that I wasn't in the wrong, some bits of me felt like they were turning back and crumbling off into the abyss. Zain whipped tears off my face.

       "Just let me know if you want that, okay? I want you to be happy." I flopped down onto their chest. "Do you feel any better?" I shook my head. I felt like I did something horrible. Because, I did. I think. Yeah, I did. I made Owen and Taylor fight and I made them yell at now they're probably telling the friend group how awful I was and how they shouldn't be friends with me. And Taylors probably telling everyone about my crush and everyone's gonna think I'm weird and no one's ever going to speak to me again. Because I fucking ruin everything.

       "They all hate me!" I cried.

       "Baby, they don't hate you. They'll get over it, and you'll all be friends again, okay? It's gonna work out." He said. But they did hate me. Or at least Owen did. 'Cause I messed up. "I think you should go home. I don't want your Mom to be mad at me. Or mad at you."

       "Can I please stay a little bit longer?" I begged, and squeezed Zain tighter. They ran their fingers through my hair and planted a kiss on my forehead. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Rang in my head. Guiiiillllllltttttttyyyyy.

       "Fine. But.....I do want you to meet my parents if you're staying. They want to meet m- you." He was going to say, my boyfriend. I know they were going to. But I....kind of liked it. Loved it, in fact. "It'll only be a little bit, but then we can come back home, I swear."

       "Okay. I'll do it. Anything that lets me stay with you." I kissed them one more time. I hadn't been this happy since I was with Lex. I hadn't done anything like this since Lex. But it felt good to have the feeling again. The feeling that someone loved me unconditionally but wasn't related to me in any way and could have dropped me at any second but he didn't which was so absolutely fucking incredible. "I didn't know that they were home, though. Did they show up while we were here or....?"

       "No," Zain replied with a twinkle in their eyes. "Can I show you the house in the Alt World?" I sat up and almost collided with their chin.

       "You live in the Alt World? You're a legacy?" I practically shouted. He laughed. It was a nice laugh. He threw his head back and closed his eyes.

      "Well, yes, technically. My Dad is half and my Mom is whole. So yeah. I live part-time here, mostly actually, and then a little bit of time in the Alt world with my siblings. I have one older sister and two older brothers. So, yeah." I've noticed that Zain's picked up on a little bit of my language. Little things. It was really fucking cute.

      "Do you realize how fucking cool that is?! You've basically grown up with all of this wing stuff! THAT'S INCREDIBLE!" I was on my knees at that point, my arms full of hand motions. "Have you grown up interacting with a bunch of Celestials? Are your siblings Winglings too? Or are they Fanglets and stuff?" Zain grabbed my hands and tried to get me to slow down.

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