~The Familiar Theatre~

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   Looking at the calendar Y/n circled the date and closed her pen. She placed the pen down and stared at the circled date, the date of the interview.
Her hand unconsciously plays with a strand of hair as she stared at it, as an uncomfortable feeling started bubbling inside of her.


Y/n sighed as leaves her house and goes for a walk to get a breath of fresh air. Mindlessly walking around, an unusual creature in front of her.
Cute, fluffy, and a bright colour of pink! It appeared to be a chick? Or a bunny?

It's fluffy round shape and long fluffy ears bounced on the sidewalk, Y/n made eye contact with the creature and it hopped away down an alleyway.
Curiousity filled Y/n quickly followed after it and soon found herself in front of a theatre...

Y/n paused as the creature went inside, as a strange feeling of familiarity hit her.
In a daze Y/n walked in, not sure how long this theatre been here.
It doesn't look quite abandoned but definitely worn.
Broken glass and dusty walls, Y/n examined the theatre "It's empty... I wonder if I'm even allowed in here?" Y/n thought aloud to herself.

A light suddenly turned on in the room before her. With widened eyes Y/n hesitantly walked over to it, the room looked like it could be a dressing room. "Uh he- hello? Is anyone here??" Y/n called out as she walked in the room


Turning to the noise she saw an opened door and going to the door, she looked out and saw the rows of seats leading to the theatre's stage. And there was a person(?) tall and lean standing on the stage, Y/n gasped and looked up at the figure.

In a snazzy white suit and top hat, his green locks bounced on his shoulders as he smiled down at her. The man reached out his hand in invitation with a gleeful grin on his face.
The way he grinned at her was as if she was an old friend, she titled her head at him in confusion.

But despite the fact that she doesn't know who he is, Y/n felt a sense of comfort at the sight of him and found herself smiling back. The path between the rows of seats lights up in beautiful colours making Y/n's eyes brightened in awe.
  Y/n walked down the path to the mysterious man on the stage. 

The snazzy man danced and performed what seemed like magic. Feeling something soft at her feet, looking down she found the cute creature that she followed from before.
Y/n picked it up and looked back to the stage a comfortable feeling filled her as she stood there in the most unlikely place she'd ever expected to be.

Grabbing her hands and bringing her to a working train(?!?) in the theatre! The train brought them to a island full of the same creatures as the one she was holding. Stepping off the train the man finally spoke "Eomclew to Wonderworld! This is the island of Tim's, these cute creature's are called Tim's they are the guardians of happy times! They brought you here to Wonderworld to help restore your hearts balance!" 

  Y/n sitting while being surrounded by the cute Tim's looked up at him confused "What? Restore my balance?... Wait what was your name??" Y/n asked he smiled "My name is Balan! And I'll be sure to help you restore your balance!" Balan happily declared.
  "My name is Y/n, but, I still don't understand what you're talking about..."
Balan smiled "Don't worry my dear, you'll understand in due time!"

"What? Uh sure, I think." Y/n answered petting the adorable Tim's. Y/n walked around the little island of Tim's with Balan easily keeping paste, Y/n couldn't help but wonder what exactly Balan was.
Balan suddenly peaked up and looked around as if he noticed something, he looked back at Y/n and smiled "I have to go check on something really quickly! Make yourself at home, I'm sure the Tim's can keep you company for now."

And before Y/n could respond Balan magically disappeared leaving her with the Tim's.
Y/n stood there in awe and unsureness of what to do next. Deciding to explore she found the island wasn't very big and walked to the middle of the island where a fountain was and some strange contraption in it.

The Tim's seemed to like it and wanted to play with it so she went along with it and played with them. When all of a sudden a door appeared and Y/n stared at it with widened eyes surprised at this random door sudden appearance.

However, before Y/n could go through the door she felt a presents behind her. Turning around she saw another man and he was quite different to Balan, he wore all black with neon accents.
He has long hair that looked more like tentacles, it was then she noticed that he was floating.

...He has beautiful blue eyes

No wait! He's floating!!! Focus!
Y/n took a few steps back in surprise "Oh! Uh uh... Hi?..." Y/n said nervously hoping this strange guy, but, he looked at her with the same way Balan had, as if he knew her.

He smiled and she felt herself relax he landed on the ground. He bowed in a regal way "Hello, my name is Lance." Lance gently lifts Y/n's hand and kisses it.
Blushing Y/n looks away in embarrassment "I'm Y/n..." She said quickly, Lance gave her a sweet smile "It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can get along well~"

Y/n nods "Ye-yes, I hope so too."
Having a closer look at him she couldn't help but blush, he was quite handsome.
"Oh!" Y/n realised that he was still holding her hand, Lance titled his head at her and looked to the locked hands.
Lance squeezed Y/n hand before letting go of her hand "Want to take a walk with me?" before Y/n could respond a voice spoke up

"Lance? What are you doing??"

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