~Finding The Truth~

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The soft breeze and the calming smell of wildflowers made you feel relaxed. You take a couple of deep breaths and relax into the plush and soft blanket you sat on and looked too Balan beside you.

Would he really answer everything?

"Really?! You will?" You asked feeling kinda of excited Balan laughed at you and pated your shoulder "Yes well, maybe if I tell you what you want to know. You might focus on your balance after."
You smile at Balan "Thanks for looking out for me Balan."
"It's what I do Haha!" Balan gleefully said as he playfully ruffles your hair "Alright kid, what did Lance say that I can clear up?" He asked, You sigh "Well I have a lot of questions! But I guess I'll start with the one that's been on my mind the most."

"Why does everything here seem familiar as though... As though I've been here before!" You asked almost tired about not knowing. You looked at Balan on edge and Balan looked unsurprised at the question and shakes his head "Lance is normally quite troublesome, but, whenever you end up here he causes more trouble then usual."
"Huh?" You weren't quite sure what he meant.

"Wait, what do you mean? By when I 'end up here'??" You ask confused Balan "whenever someone has unbalance in their hearts they find themselves here in Wonderland. However, when they find balance again they leave and forget everything about Wonderland..." He explained "So I've been here before huh... But, why would Lance cause you more trouble because of me?"

Balan laughs softly "Well about that, hummmm~ I wonder how much I can tell you without him getting too mad at me? Hahaha! He'll be mad at me for telling you this much anyway!" Balan exclaimed nonchalantly.
"What could you say that he would be mad about though?" You ask

"Well I'm not quite sure how but you got Lance's attention to the point that whenever you appeared here, Lance would always ask you about favourite things and try to learn as much as possible."
"He made it his mission try to keep you here as long as possible and that's quite troublesome. Luckily nothing too terrible has happened though..."

"...Anyways! That's something he would get mad at me for telling you!" Balan said turning to you with his usual grin. You sat in silence for a minute processing all that info, your face started to burn a bright red that Balan was tempted to put on sunglasses!
"...Y/n? Are you ok??" Balan asked concerned and wordlessly you grabbed Balan's shoulders and without looking at his face you talk "Balan... Did, did me and Lance have a..."

"A what Y/n?? You know I'm getting worried for you!" Balan said nervously "relationship" you mumbled under your breath
"Sorry, I didn't hear that! Could you repeat that?" Balan said while lightly trying to release your tight grip on his shoulders.
"Why don't you take a few deep breaths and try again, ok." Balan calmly said after you let go of Balan's shoulders and take a couple of breaths you open your mouth to speak.
"Balan, do you know if me and Lance where... Where in a relationship?? Did we always have a relationship?!" You asked face still red as you avoid Balan's eyes.

Balan's hand pats your head softly "I don't know!" Your head snaps up to him "Huh? You don't?? But I'd figured if anyone would know it would be you!" You say loudly. Balan shakes his head "Lance would be too shy to tell me something like that! And I could never really tell, that is something you'd have to ask Lance himself!"
You nod "Alright, but I wonder if he would even tell me?" Balan shrugged "perhaps or perhaps not." You sigh

"But Y/n, do you really need to know?" Balan asked sternly you look at his surprisingly serious face "Well umm!" You struggled coming up with an answer.
"It won't do you any good to focus on that, you're not planning on doing anything about that, correct?" Balan sighs "Please, understand that when you achieve your balance you will leave and everything. You understand why I would worry?"
You could hear the concern in his voice and knew he had a valid point.
  You nod "Yes, I get what your saying. I'm just trying to understand everything and... nothing else." You say cooly. You looked down as you feel strange about saying that, it was an uneasy feeling.

   Unsure why you felt that way, you just shook it off. Balan smiled and suddenly you found yourself surrounded by fluffy Tim's! You pet and cuddle the Tim's giggling at they're tickling fur, the atmosphere relaxes and Balan laughs "I'm sure things will all turn out for the best in the end!" Balan says gently as he holds a yellow tim in his arms.
The Tim's playfully chips unawares of the previous conversation as they jump around on the blankets, you and Balan.
   "You might be right Balan." Nodding while cuddling the Tim's "Hey, Balan thanks for answering my questions."

"Of course! I'll always be there to help just call." Balan said happily as the Tim's go on top of his hat. After a few moments of fun small talk with Balan and playing with the Tim's, smelling the flowers you decided to start to make a flower crown.
Balan spoke up after some peaceful silence "I have some work to do and I'll be back if you need me!" Balan said You nod while not quite paying attention "Mmhmm!"
  You put your attention to your flower crown and not really caring about what is going on around you.

    You finished your flower crown and turned to the nearest Tim "Come here cutie!" You say with a smile the Tim chrips happily as you crowned it with your regal flower crown. You laughed at the cute creature in front of you "I've always adored your laugh."
Once again the one who appears behind you is the one and only is Lance.

"We should talk."

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