~Lance's Side~

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"We should talk."

You stare at him with wide eyes "Uh Yeah! But, hahaha you certainly have a habit of sneaking up behind me, huh?" You say trying to keep things light he looked surprised, but, gave a soft chuckle "I suppose I do." Lance sai.
The two of you exchange a small smile but remembering what Balan had told you earlier you turned away with an obvious blush "What did you want to talk about?!" You asked slightly panicked.

"I think you know why." Lance said you turned back to him as he was suddenly hovering above you. "Balan he... he told you a lot, didn't he." Lance said as he looks around "He didn't really explain everything, so would you hear me out?" Lance asked seriously. You stand up from the flowers and looked up to him "I will, as long as you answer my questions." You say Lance gives a wordless nod and floats down to your level.
And without saying anything Lance picks you up princess style, much to your surprise "Wait! What are you doing?" You gasped as he held you.

"It would be better if we talked where Balan won't interfere." Lance said almost smug. "What are you smirking about?!" You yell feeling embarrassed by the sudden closeness Lance makes eye contact with you as he tightened his grip "You should put your arms around my neck so you don't slip off." Lance smirked wider as he held you.
You gasped as Lance suddenly went upwards and in the surprise you wrapped your arms around his neck, you give him a playful glare hoping it would turn his attention away from your blush.

He flies into the unknown sky's that glitters as a beautiful galaxy. You also want to talk with Lance so you decide to trust him and tighten your hold as you look at the galaxy area. The you of you enter a vast and empty room filled with nothing but a floor below and a galaxy above.
"Where are we Lance?" You ask in awe "A place we can talk." He puts you down gently on the ground and snaps his fingers, that brought a comfortable spot for the two of you to talk.

Still feeling unsure you sit down and remind yourself to trust in him so you look to him curiously. "Alright Lance..." You say sitting down "Now that we're here, let's talk!" You say with a cautionary smile Lance looked away with a guilty face, "I suppose you know now." He glanced back to you "Are you mad?"
"Huh?" You gasped surprised by the sudden question "I would understand if you where, if you got upset. After all I never told you about... Well about us."
You blinked and nodded "I was surprised and a bit shocked when I heard." You say looking in his eyes.

"I figured you would be. So let me tell you about our story..." Lance began

. . . . . . . . . flashback (Lance pov). . . . . . . . . . . .

   It was just another day in Wonderworld, another visitor left as usual. None of the visitors ever stay, some may need a longer time to heal but other's heal far too quickly.

It always left Lance in a lonely spot, no longer being the mastor of this world anymore left him often being chased away from the visitors by Balan. He's never felt this alone before...

Lance understands why Balan does what he does but that doesn't mean it hurts any less. So he watched as another visitor left in disappointment, he had high hopes for that one but in the end they much preferred Balan.
Lance let's out yet another sigh, the loneliness hass never been this bad before and it started to feel as though at any moment it could consume him...

The theatre door opened and a visitor entered her tear stained face and puffy red eyes looking around in interest. Her sudden present snaps me out of my dark cloud as I eye her curiously wondering what has caused her heart to lead her to this place.
Lance prepares himself for she will find him soon.
"I should meet her before Balan, that should delay his trouble making tendencies." Lance mumbles to himself as he leaves his spot to greet the new visitor.

"Hello, Welcome to the theatre!" Lance called out in a musical voice the visitor gasped in surprise at his sudden appearance. "What!?" She shouted as she quickly wiped her face of any remaining tears "Oh! I'm sorry I - I didn't know anyone was here! But I saw a animal come in, I didn't mean to trespass!!" She sputtered nervously making Lance chuckle.
Visitors never failed at being so easily flustered it was quite cute, he was almost tempted to tease her a little.

   Lance went up to her and shook his head with a smile "Fear not you've done nothing wrong. Everyone is welcome here! My name is Lance what's yours?" Lance asked calmly
She stared at his face, examining his eyes for a clue of his intentions.
"My name is Y/n L/n..."
"Y/n, what a lovely name. Well Y/n why don't you come with me and tell me all your woes." Lance said
Y/n looked at her feet as she teared up again and nodded wordlessly following me.

  We sat down as she spilled her problems to me as I soothly rubbed her back. "My boyfriend- I mean ex-boyfriend and I had an ugly breakup. And all of our mutual friends- well who I thought where my friends. They all left me for him saying they would rather hang out with him then me! I- I hiccup sniff" She put her head in her hands as she sobbed and leaned into my hold.
I continued to rub her back and shoulders to comfort her, I was quite upset with what she said humans could be quite the unforgivable creatures.

Poor thing.

"There, there. You deserve better friends to be there for you so it's probably for best without them." Lance said Y/n slowly looked up at him, Lance uses a handkerchief to softly wipe the tears from her face.
"I don't have any friends either, why don't we become friends?" Lance asked with a genuine smile.
  The girl nodded with a smiled and it was a beautiful smile.

Time came and went and we become friends much to Balan's dismay. But all good things come to an end and she left too.
It was the first time I got a friend and even though I knew that she would forget I made a promise to be her friend again...

. . . . . .Flashback (Lance pov) end. . . . . . . . . . .

  "I know I'm pathetic. And I always cause you more trouble then help. I hate It when you're sad I want you to be happy! But if you're happy you leave..." Lance's shoulder slumped as looked at the floor
"I wish you could be happy here with me but I'm afraid I can't give you what you need..."

"I-" You hug him wrapping your arms tight around him and your face nestled in his shoulder as the many emotions swirled around the two of you.
You felt his arms return the hug.

The two of you stood still and silent as you quietly comfort each other with a wordless hug.

Our Lonely Hearts♡ (Lance X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now