~Tea with Lance~

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The room was fancy it was as if you were transported into a mansion or a castle! A lovely table with a white lace cloth on it waited before the two of you.

The high tea looked delicious and you couldn't help but get excited over it. Trying not to let it distract you too much you remember the reason you were there.
Balan may want you to focus on your feelings instead of this.
But, you just have to see if you can figure out this daja vu mystery!
Lance holds out a chair for you, you smiled at him and sat down "Thank you, that's so kind of you." You say happy by his gentleman attitude. He may be negativity but at least he has manners, sitting across from each other at the table.

It has just occurred to you that you don't know why Lance wanted tea with you, you consider asking but the tea and snacks appeared before you like magic.
And it was all food you like, and even the type of tea you like!
"Wow, my favorite! Lance how did you know?" You ask with a smile delighted at the treats before you.

Lance smiled "That's my secret~" he said jokingly "Aww that's no fun." You giggle getting comfortable with him. You pick up your tea cup and blow softly "I hope not everything is a secret..." You mumbled to yourself as you take a sip, glancing at Lance wondering if he heard you. After all his ears seemed sharp enough to.

Lance raised an eyebrow at you but said nothing as he sipped his tea too. "Well this is all so lovely Lance, but if you don't mind me asking I wanted to ask why you wanted tea with me?" You asked nervously, you worried he could change the topic on you.
Lance gave you his heavenly smile and nodded "I know you must be curious, but, would you believe me if I said it was because I wanted to hang out with you?" Lance said sweetly You blink in surprise at the innocent statement.

"What? Are you being serious??" You asked trying to ignore the heat redding your cheeks. Lance chuckles "You're so cute Y/n. But to answer your question, yes I'm being serious~" Lance coyly responds making your heart flutter.

"Is he... No he couldn't be! Could he be flirting!?"

This thought rings loudly in your head you almost blurted it out, quickly taking a bite of a cookie to stop yourself.
You awkwardly smile at Lance as you bring a hand to your mouth to hide the crumbs... since that's the way the cookie crumbles.
You look down embarrassed trying to stop yourself from grinning "Oh really? Haha, how kind."
Lance smiled "Of course I wanted to hang out with you! I mis- . . . I didn't want you to miss out on anything fun while you're here."
You blinked at him "Tha-thank you..." You say started to feel shy about this whole ordeal.
"But Lance I couldn't help but notice how busy Balan is and I was wondering if you might be as busy?" You ask eyeing him curiously, the smile on his face faltered and he frowned. Lance quickly shock his head and returned to his pleasant smile "Balan is... Well I guess you could say Balan is a bit of a workaholic." He chuckles as he sips his tea "But Y/n you don't need to worry about that after all I was the one who suggested this."

You nodded and hesitantly asked what you've been meaning to this whole time
"Lance... I know this might sound weird but... Why do you look familiar?" You held your breath as you watched him intently.

You locked in eye contact with Lance as he silently watched you. Lance stared deeply into your eyes as if looking for something. . . . "Do you really remember?" Lance said breaking the silence.

You blinked at his words breaking you out of the trance of his eyes and realised Lance was right in front of you and the table was gone. Lance gripping the sides of your chair trapping you in place, although you didn't feel as though you were in any danger it was as if you where floating.

"Remember? I... No I just feel as though everything is familiar as if I've been here before..." You say softly your voice trailing off. Lance never broke eye contact as he processed what you said, he smiled in a way you haven't seen before it was quite sad. "I see.." Lance mumbles he hesitantly took his hands off the chair and your feet softly hit the ground.
It seems you where floating after all.
Lance stood before you with an unreadable expression, he turns his back to you "I have to go." Lance said Your eyes widen "Wait what about-" "I. Have. To. Go."

You sat there as Lance wordlessly walked away from you in a confused daze.
Once again you stood by yourself but this time with more questions than answers.
You took a breath and decided it was a good time to call on Balan.
"Uh Balan!" You paused and looked around you wondering if he would just pop up...
Nothing, when you were about to try again


"Ahhh!" You jumped as Balan who appeared out of nowhere with a bang of confetti knocked you down in surprise. As you get surrounded by confetti Balan bowed and extended his hand with an enthusiastic smile, you let out a breathy laugh and take his hand letting him help you up.
"So sorry about that! I hope you are all right." Balan said helping you dust off the confetti you smile back and shake your head "No, I'm fine just surprised haha!"

Balan nodded "Great! You called so I'm here to help however I can!" Balan happily said, Your smile faded "Ah... I wonder if you will though. Balan I had an interesting conversation with Lance earlier and I need to ask you something!" Balan looked at you and sighed "Alright Y/n!" Balan snapped his fingers and you found the two of you sitting on comfortable and soft seats looking out at a calming flower field.

"Get comfortable and ask me anything, and I'll try to answer what I can!" Balan said happily.

(Author note: I was writing earlier and mid conversation I meant to hit save, but I hit publish instead sooooo I'm sorry if I siked anyone out!)

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