~Wondering in Wonderworld~

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"Lance? What are you doing??"

Balan had returned from wherever he'd disappeared to earlier. Lance was silent at first, his eyes looked intense if only for a moment.
But that didn't last long, Lance smiled innocently at Balan "The same as you Balan, you should know that by now." Lance said calmly, Balan looked unimpressed "I see..."

"Yes, well you're quite busy Balan. Why don't I take over from here?" Lance said, Balan frowned for but a moment "No, it's fine Lance I can handle this." Balan said cheerfully as he comes over to your side and starts to lead you away from Lance, who was watching you two carefully as you leave him behind.

"Um Balan? Is everything ok?" You ask once out of sight of Lance not truly sure what to make of what just happened. "Oh everything is fine! Lance is just... Negative. But don't worry about it that's the way he is!" Balan said in a carefree way "You talk in riddles a lot Balan." You complained, "Hahaha! You always say that Y/n!" Balan laughed.

"Always?" You asked curious about that specific word, but, before you could think about it too much Balan quickly spoke up
"Oops nothing, nothing~ Just a slip of the tongue!" Balan continued "I'm going to help you with your positivity and Lance will help you dealing with your negativity."

"And eventually, you will found your balance." Balan said, Y/n felt a peace about the way he said that. But, she looked away from him downcast "...My Balance... I wonder if that's possible." Y/n said doubt filling her.
"Of course! It's always possible! That's what we do in Wonderworld, we'll take care of you here." Balan said with his consent smile.

You smiled at Balan "Maybe eventually, I guess." You shrugged "That's the spirit!" Balan exclaimed pumping one of his fist in the air.
You laughed at his overly excited response, but nodded nevertheless deciding to let yourself find yourself in this place called Wonderworld. Wonderworld was indeed a strange place at first it seemed to walk into an empty room only for it to light up with sudden life.

Ever room was like a theatres stage and that was fascinating, Tim's and what appeared to be some types of costumes (?)
Although not entirely sure for what show it was for.
The place Balan had brought you too had a comforting feeling to it.
But you didn't think about it for too long and instead of thinking about your own problems you choose to think about Balan and Lance.

Both are beautifully unique and mesmerizing. Balan being the embodiment of positivity and Lance the embodiment of negativity, although it was still quite hard to believe. You glanced at Balan, that strange man.
"So Balan, what do I need to do exactly?" You asked carefully, Balan in his cheerful way twirls in front of you "You need to acknowledge your feelings and figuring out the best way to deal with them." Balan said.

You stare at him, it sounds so easy when he says it like that. You look away from him "I do acknowledge my feelings though, so I don't get why I'm here!" You say getting annoyed with a shrug
Balan is unbothered by your answer "Fret not dear Y/n! In due time everything will come together." Balan said calmly it made you relax in his company.
You nod your head with a slight sigh and look to Balan, while you graceful for his enthusiasm to help. You needed time to yourself to properly process everything.

"Uh Balan? If it's ok, can I have some time to myself for a bit?" You asked shyly "I don't mean anything against you!! I just need some time to take this in..."
Balan roughly pated your head and gifted you a Tim's with a smile "Of course, but just remember, if you ever need me or want to talk about anything just call my name and I'll appear!"
You smile back in appreciation "Thank you Balan. I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Balan gracefully bows and flys to wherever he's needed the most at the time.

With a sigh you mindlessly walk around the interesting room with green grass, blue skies, and floating islands. You felt at peace and let your mind roam as you try to settle your many feelings down.
Balan really did seem to have your best interest in mind, you'll be sure to call on him later.
You stretched with a yawn and titled your head when you noticed a figure in the distance...

"Lance?" You mumbled to yourself as you squirt at the figure, as you start to walk over in curiosity the figure retreats behind the wall he was hiding behind.
You pick up your pace to a jog and slowed when you reached the wall.
A bit hesitant you walk up to the wall and looked, only to find no one there you gasped in surprise.
"La-lance? Was that you?" You called out getting sightly nervous.

If it wasn't Lance you planned to call Balan back so you wouldn't be alone. However, before you could you saw Lance in full view he awkwardly rubbed his neck and adverted his eyes, probably surprised you caught him. "So it was you Lance. I thought so!" You say in relief, maybe it was his shy mannerisms but you felt relaxed at the sight of him.
Lance nodded and looked back at you "Yes... Sorry did I scare you? I didn't mean to, you just looked so lost in thought so I didn't want to disturbed you."

"Oh I see. Well it's fine, I suppose uh anyway did you want something Lance?" You asked "... Let's have some tea together!" Lance blurted out of nowhere, it seemed to surprised you as well as him. Your smile comes naturally to your face as a light blush dusted your cheeks, you nod not once looking away from the otherworldly man before you that you feel you've met before...

Maybe you can come to an understanding over some tea.

(Author note, Sorry for taking so long with this chapter, writers block wouldn't leave me alone 😭 it's really annoying because I wanted to write but that's hard with a blank mind. Thank you for your patience ❤️)

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