~Reflected back to You~

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   It was quiet as the two of you held each other in a comforting embrace. It was warm holding him as you listed to the soft breaths you feel relaxed and calm.

Lance told you everything, just as he promised... You had mixed emotions about the things he said but that didn't stop the blush that appeared on your face.
  And despite your mind being all a-whirl you felt happy.
You may not remember everything that has happened between the two of you, but, the feelings you where feeling now... You wondered if this was how you felt in the past with him.

"This is a lot to take in... But if you don't mind can we talk some more?" You shyly ask breaking the silence "What? Are you really ok with that?" Lance asked You nodded "I would love to talk about our past together." Lance smile "As long as you're sure." You smile happily at him.
   Letting go of each other, even if it was a bit hesitantly. The two of us sat together talking about the many things that happened in the past.

"I'm must admit, I'm surprised that you wanted to talk some more..." Lance said suddenly "You said something like that before too, Lance." You say tilting your head at him "Why?"
Lance's shoulder tensed for a bit, but he eventually responded "Well... One time... Ahem, ahem Because one time I almost keep you here from negativity. Aren't you worried I would try that again?" Lance watched your face intently.
"Oh... Yes, I see why you would think that..." You mumbled you sighed and smiled at Lance "But Lance don't you know, I trust you. And you wouldn't do that again would you?" You ask as you leaned closer to him, keeping eye contact.  

Lance's hand grabs your chin as his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips "Well Y/n what can I say you're quite... Tempting." You blush as you felt the closeness of his face, you close your eyes as Lance's soft breath on your lips. Then Lance lightly put his forehead against yours "However, You have a life outside of Wonderworld." Your eyes snapped open in surprise at his sudden statement. "I don't want to be the one to take that away from you and for you to resent me for it."
Your eyes soften at his thoughtfulness you brought your hands on top of him holding them tightly, he returned your hold.

"Lance~" you whisper as you leaned closer but, before you could kiss him, Lance kisses you first. After a couple of tender kisses Lance back's away "I want you to be happy and I want you to be with me. I know it may seem impossible, but, I have a plan. Do you trust me?" You nodded with a smile "What do you need me to do?"
Lance's smile faltered as he tried not to sigh " You should talk with Balan. You're still unbalanced and talking with Balan should help with that. Don't worry though I won't let him send you away just yet, ok."

   Lance kisses your cheek with a blush "I won't let you leave until I give you a gift." You blush "Wait Lance, won't you tell me what the plan is before I have to talk with Balan?" You gave him the puppy eyes to encourage him to answer. He blushes and gives you a playful look "It's a surprise, but I promise it'll be helpful for us." Lance kisses your cheek and runs his fingers though your hair, you lean into his hand as a content feeling washes over you.

"Alright Lance, I trust you." And with a final kiss Lance brings you back to the main area where you are find a worried Balan.
You look back at Lance one last time before you leave with Balan, because now's the time to find your balance again!
Over your time apart you take time for yourself and you talk about your inner problems with Balan.
It was hard at first but eventually you managed to allow yourself to let go of your anxiety and tensions.

You were healing slowly but surely. One time sitting with the Tim's as you relax someone who you haven't seen in a while has made themselves known behind you. 
"Hello Y/n." With a gasp you turned around and couldn't stop the smile on your face as you take in Lance.
You jumped up from your seat and wordlessly embraced him eagerly which he happily returned.
"I missed you, Y/n~" he whispered sweetly in your ear "I missed you too!" You quietly reply gripping his shoulders.

The two of you let go of each other and take in each other faces. "Y/n I've finally finished making your gift." Lance proudly announces you raised an eyebrow at him "The gift? So I can finally know what it is?!" You say excitedly
    Lance reached behind him and pulled out a small circle shaped idem, it was silver with violet swirl design on its edges and a long silver delicate chain "Gasp! What's this?! It's beautiful." You say happily and a little confused.
Lance puts it in your hands, it was light and smooth your fingers lightly rub the delicate designs taking it in awe.
"Lance what is this? You said it would help with us, right??" You ask Lance nods "I know it doesn't look like much but it should help."

  You feel even more confused Lance chuckles "This appears to be a handheld mirror, but, it has the ability to allow us to communicate with you in real life and me in Wonderworld." Lance pulls out another handheld mirror it has the same design but violet with silver swirls.
"We'll be able to keep talking with each other this way and it can enlarge so we'll be able to fully see each other. And maybe soon enough I'll figure out a more better and permanent way to stay with you~" Lance explained "I see, so it's like a phone?" Lance gives you a confused look "A pho-e?" You giggle "A phone, I guess you don't have that here. But this means I have to leave..."

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