~Our Heart Beats♡~

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"But, that means I have to leave..." You say concerned if you even though you have a way to contact Lance, You could forget and forgetting him again was your biggest fear.
"But Lance, what if I forget? Even if I have a way to contact you it will be pointless if I forget all about it!"
You're understandingly worry, Lance nodded "I know it's a risk, but, I thought of that and perhaps this could keep your memory of us." Lance takes the pendent from your hand and holds it up by the chain, reveling it to be a necklace.

Lance moved behind you and clips the chain of the necklace, it didn't feel heavy around your neck like you thought it would be. "Lance..." Your eyes watered at the overwhelming emotions you were feeling "But Lance!" You faced him, his arms on your shoulders as you look up at him.
"What if I lose it? Or take it off? What if I take it off and forget everything!? This feels like such a big risk and what about you?" You couldn't help but blurt out all of your concerns right there.
When a voice suddenly spoke up behind the two of you.

"I'm must admit, I'm surprised. I didn't think you were actually this serious about everything..." The two of you turned to see Balan there with an unreadable face. "Oh! Balan..." Lance said shocked at his appearance "How long have you been there?" Lance asked apprehensively
Balan laughs with a smile "I've never seen you like this before Lance!" Balan comes closer to us eyeing the matching jewelry "She's right you know, you could have problems with those, are you really sure of this Lance?"
Lance nods "I'm sure Balan." Balan sighs as he rubs his neck "I worry for you too, you know! But if you're sure and you're not going to make her unbalanced with negatived then, I guess there's nothing I can do!" Balan shrugged.

Lance and Balan shared an understanding look and nod and without another word Balan left so we could have some more time before the process is complete and my heart is balanced. You go to Lance and place your head on his shoulder as he rubs your back.
"I know you have a lot of questions about our future, as do I. But for now I ask you to trust me and give this a chance or if you feel to uncertain then after you leave. It can be the end of us, whichever one you want to do I'll respect your decision..." Lance said calmly you look up at him and smile "I'll... I'll give it a chance with you Lance. I want to give us a chance." Leaning towards him the two shared a kiss.

Not too long after, Y/n was ready to leave Wonderworld she took one last look at those who helped her and the one she loved. And with a nod of understanding she walked out of Wonderworld and back to the real world.
Oddly enough it was as if she's never left and she quickly returns home, and sure enough everything was still where she left it no dust on her furniture or mold on her leftovers and she looked at the circle on her calendar and took a breath.
After getting something to eat, she prepared herself for the upcoming interview. Although she was nervous she thought of the benefits of doing it and nodded to herself steeling her resolve.

In a moment of sudden realization you reach for the necklace and gasped when you saw it was still there in awe. Your heart beating and a warm blush to your cheek you touch the engraved pendant and opened it...
. . . . . "Hello Y/n~" your eyes started to tear up as a big grin on your face as you laughed in relief "Lance it worked! I remember you!" You wiped your eyes giggling. You could hear Lance's hearty laugh from the other side, making your own heart beat faster.
  The two of you stare lovingly into each other eyes as you hear Lance's dreamy sigh snapping you out of your own trance. 
"I really want to kiss you right now." Lance suddenly said, You grin at his words "I would also like that..." You agree shyly.
We share a laugh and from then on we ended up talking for hours on end. The relationship went on like this for a couple of months, talking in the morning and falling asleep to the sound of his voice.
Until one weekend Lance proudly announces a way for us to be together a way for him to come here!

    "But Lance, are you sure you want to live here? And leave Wonderworld?" You ask when you first heard of this while sitting comfortably on your couch "Even if you aren't maestro anymore I know it means a lot to you, oh and what about Balan?! What did he say about this??" You interrogated him worried. While you were happy with the idea of Lance being with you, you couldn't help but worry if it could work given his place in Wonderworld and if he would regret his choice.
  "Balan will be able to handle himself. I know he will and I've spent most of my life for work anyways and I know Balan doesn't need me here. So I want to go on a new adventure with you." Lance said reassuringly "I know in the end everything will work out of us! Please, wait a bit longer and soon you'll understand."

You trusted Lance so you went along with it "As long as it isn't too dangerous and you're really sure. I'll leave it to you just, just be safe!" Even if you were worried about him there wasn't much you could do about it. So you have no choice but to hope for the best and look forward to what is next to come. 
   Lance would continue to hype up his next idea as the two of you talked about living together and you taught Lance about things that just weren't there in Wonderworld.

  "Are you ready?" . . . "Yes, I'm ready!"

You put down the pendent still opened and took a couple steps back and nodded "Go ahead Lance!" You shouted letting him know you're prepared "Here it goes!" You watched in baited breath as Lance got really close to the pendent.
  It was so silent for what felt like hours when the pendent started to expend slowly but surely.
   You gasped as it got to the size of a medium sized mirror, your eyes widened as Lance entered your world, your home!

  Before he could even say anything you threw yourself into his arms and felt him return the hug strongly. It was quiet except for the sounds of two hearts beating in sync with one and other...♡

"I love you..." A voice whispered "I love you too" was whispered back in a sweet embrace. As now they'll spend their lives together in a romantic adventure.
  *The End*

(Author note; Thank you for reading, for commenting, and for voting!)

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