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Hair.. check.

Makeup.. check.

Outfit? I do a Twirl, stopping facing the mirror. I'm wearing washed out blue jeans that have fringes at the bottom, a simple white tank top and an oversize ivory green cardigan . A bit basic but approachable, just what I'm going for.

Ding! I walk over to my phone to see a text from Jonah.

Jonah: Sorry I couldn't pick you up today my dads making me shadow him during his meeting

Jonah: See you at school. And happy birthday.

Evangeline: awe thanks babe I'll see you at school

I smile down at my phone before placing it back on my night stand. Focusing back on my appearance.

I nod at my reflection in approval. I do this every morning, making sure I look pitch perfect.

When I first started dating Jonah I asked around his friend group of what type of girl he liked. At the time I felt panicked when they said he's only ever gone for blondes until I remembered hair dye was a thing.

Yeah I dyed my hair for him, but in my defense I'm hot as a blond. plus the honey blond went beautifully with my deep skin tone. And may I add he was a fan.

I lift my thick hair as I throw on some gold butterfly earrings, and  a simple flimsy gold chain around my neck. I crouch down to lace my white air forces.


"Eva hurry up! I don't drive you to school as charity." My door slings open as a dark presence looms in the door frame . "Do I look like I have time to wait for you? I have things to do places to be!"

I quickly grab my bag, "I'm ready, I'm ready sorry."

This uptight woman is my older sister Erin, she's always busy.

She's the lead warrior for our packs army and mated to the packs current beta Ronnie. Which makes her really popular in the town and of course with our parents. I think our father almost had a cow when he found out. I honestly envy the attention she gets from them. They've always made it known they're proud of her successes, and rub it in my face anytime they get.

That's why when I announced I was dating Jonah, it was the first time I felt like they were proud of me. They told me to snag him right when I turn 18, they even helped me plan out our dates.

Of course I liked Jonah and his future had nothing to do with that, but them finally caring about me was a plus.

I walked down the curve of the stairs and into the kitchen, to my surprise a solid black note was sitting atop the island, I walk over to it and read written in white letters:

Evangaline it's your 18th birthday. Everyone is expecting you to mate with Jonah today, Make us proud. - Dad

I groan, of course I hope to mate with Jonah but this is too much pressure what if I see him and he's not my mate? All of the things I've worked for will be thrown out the window.

"What's that?" I didn't even notice Erin snooping behind me.

"Oh nothing, just dads words of encouragement." She stares down at the note and her mouth parts a little before she looks back up at me, "oh Eva it's your birthday I completely forgot. I'm sorry. Happy birthday." She smiles sadly at me.

I know she has a lot going on with training and settling into her new house so I don't punish her with my words, I shake my head and tell her it's fine already walking towards the door. We head to the car and make our way to my hell hole of a school.

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