Am I free?

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I stayed up all night working on my application that I completely forgot to call Annette.

Annette lives all the way in new York. She used to belong to this pack but she made the bold decision of following her dreams to become an actress, she's always said this pack was holding her back. I was always secretly jealous she got away leaving me behind. But I of course still supported her fully, she deserved to be happy.

 Fuck the rules.

Though when she wasn't over a thousand miles away, we were Inseparable. Three peas in a pod me, Annette and Bri. We did everything together if it was a job we did it together, if it were a breakup one of us had, the other two were waiting with open arms and snacks.

So it was hard on the both of us when she just up and left, but I understood why she did it.

She knew I did, that's why she only gave me her new number. She knew Bri would never understand. No one here would.

She wanted more.

I want more.

And that's exactly what I say when she picks up.

"You want more what? Common decency? Because it's 4am Eva!" Her voice raspy as she yells at me through the phone.

"Awe, I missed you too." I'm smiling ear to ear just hearing her voice.

"What do you want E."

"Are you still renting that spare room by chance?" I chew on my bottom lip anxiously. If I can't room with Annette I'm fucked. I can't apartment search this late of notice, not that I could with the cost of rent over there anyways.

"You called at 4am, to ask me about a spare room?" Her voice dry with annoyance.



"Wait, no!" I yell-whisper into the phone attempting not to wake anyone up, "It's really important I swear. Do you?"

All I get in response was a loud groan what seemed to be right into the microphone, causing me to hurriedly turn the volume down. I don't want to wake up my parents let alone have them think I'm making a porno.

"Bitch! Be quiet." I hiss.

"Yes Evangaline, the room is still available."

I silently fist bump the air in celebration. "But If we can't find a new roommate from campus willing to move in, then we're going to have to just get a regular roomie. Which I don't mind as long as I do a full background check beforehand." She yawns mumbling, "and you know how thorough my background checks are."

I'm telling you the woman is an FBI agent.

"What if I told you your favorite person, me, could be that new roommate?"

"Hmm I'd say that's impossible because you're like a thousand miles away, oh and hell bound to that damn cult of a pack." She retorts with a chuckle.

"Not anymore."

"What do you mean 'not anymore'? what, are you being sent out to do more of the shit they should be doing?" She laughs again this time louder.

"No— Goddess Annette, I'm moving to New York. Permanently." There's silence for a split second before she speaks again, sounding more serious this time. "Stop it. Don't joke this early in the morning ..I'll believe you."

I rub both of my hands down my face placing them in fists under my chin as I rest on top of them. I sigh as I begin to tell her everything.

"SHE WHAT?!" I could hear Annette start pacing the minute I told her about the cafeteria incident. I love ranting to her because we agree on similar topics and build off of each others opinions, so our conversations always flow so well.

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