Hear me

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Regina George and her blue eyed whore side kick sits across from me smirking. I don't miss the entanglement of their fingers as I stand in the middle of the archway to the living room.

This was the last thing I was expecting.

I just wanted to say a quick fuck you and good riddance as I do a Beyoncé and dip for a couple of years.

So why the fuck are they here.

The feelings of this morning are still raw in my chest. Seeing them sends a fresh wave of hate seeping out of every pore on my body. Which I'm sure Bri notices because her smirk shifts to a tight smile.

My father isn't far from them, he's in his favorite leather maroon chair leaning forward with elbows on the arms of it, in front of the tall windows showcasing the front yard. The natural lighting behind him making his features appear more dark. He looks like a villain from a comic book.

He's staring at me with a look I know all too well. My mother has a hand on his shoulder softly massaging him probably trying to calm him down. My eyes stray to the empty glass that seemed to be once filled with alcohol on the stand next to him.

Yeah he's pissed.

I chew on my bottom lip. You could almost choke on the tension in the room.

"What are you just standing there looking stupid for? Sit down." My father growls.

The only other available seat is next to them and I refuse to even be in the same room as them more or less sitting next to them. But I can't say no, even if I did stand up for myself today, I still am scared as shit of my father more than I'd like to admit.

I bite back my pride and make my way to sit on the opposite end as them, my side practically merging with the arm of the couch. I hear Jonah silently giggle with a followed 'stop' from Brianna as I hold back the urge to backhand slap the both of them.

"Now Evangaline, can you explain to me why I have the future alpha and Luna," he slightly bows his head towards them. "Coming to me telling me that you publicly embarrassed them at your school."

The audacity this man has is unbelievable, I'm used to it but seriously, last he knew I was still dating Jonah, now he's bowing to my now ex best friend calling her Luna. I know him. That wasn't meant as respect to them but to show that I failed him.


But what makes the situation worse is for them to show up like this. They know how strongly my dad prides our family's reputation, he goes out of his way to make sure we're known as strong and resourceful within the pack. He doesn't like being perceived as anything else.

I make sure to not even give them the satisfaction of glaring at them as I respond. "Dad, I know how this sounds, I do. but I swear-"

"Do you really?"

"Yes. It sounds like I-"

"It sounds like my daughter can't seem to grasp the idea of respect. Even after being taught under this roof!" His mouth drops into a firm line.

"Can I please speak? You're not even letting me explain." I just want to be heard for once.

"Honestly Evangaline, I don't even want to heart it!"

You never do.

"Please just let me-" I'm begging now. I just want this weight of pain to roll off of my tongue as I explain the reasoning for my actions.


"No! You obviously don't understand Evangaline. This could be considered as an act of aggression against our future leaders. How is it that you continue to embarrass our family?"

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