New rules

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My eyes! My eyes they're burning!

I groan from the bright light shining into my room. 

I moved in last minute so I didn't have time to go shopping for my room. 

When I do the first thing on the list will be curtains.

I turn over cowering away from the brightness and pulling the blanket Annette gave to me over my head. I finally relax about to settle back into a deep sleep- 


I quickly jump up from the sound blaring so close to my ear,"Goddess so help me!" 

Quickly, I turn over to turn off the 6am alarm I set for this morning. I tap the screen a number of times before it finally turns off.


Then comes a heavy handed knock on my door, the same volume as the alarm. "Eva~, wakey wakey babes its time for breakfast!" 

I muffle another groan into my pillow before getting up to open the door. On the other side is a beaming Annette wearing an off white two piece pj set. 

Who the hell is that happy in the morning.

I throw her a scowl, clearly showing I am not happy about the brutal awakening. 

"What? I heard your alarm." 

"I get that you have strength that you sometimes cant control, but you seriously have to knock with a less heavy hand."

she frowns, "I only tapped it."

I gawk at her, "I thought our house was being raided by Zeus the way you shook my door!"

I hear a muffled laugh come from the kitchen, then robin pops her head from around the corner. "Yeah, I had to get used to it the first week I moved in too."

Nett was never actually trained on how to control her strength, she would always skip combat training to read romance books and recite lines from her favorite plays. 

"Fine, next time I'll send Robin to wake you up." she rolls her eyes before angry walking to the kitchen. I follow her to already see pancakes, bacon and a plate of fruit already ready to eat. 

It might seem simple but its more than what I ever had in the mornings back home. I would pop a few toast in the toaster and call it a day.

"What do you mean next time? I'm not a morning person, so this definitely wont be an everyday thing." I say reaching for a grape before popping it in my mouth.

"Well maybe not for the summer, but when school starts." 

"I'm not applying for morning classes. I was going to do nights then work in the morning." 

Robing and Nett turn to look at each other having a silent conversation with their eyes before Nett turns back to me.

"Me and Robin have switched to taking mornings since the killings. We just think its safer since vampires are usually out at night." she says, Robin nodding in agreement.

"Right, I forgot." I bite the inside of my cheek in embarrassment. They're working overtime to keep me safe, and I cant even seem to think about simple safety rules.

"Well, as nice as this awkward silence is, we need to start what we all woke up early for. Time to talk game plans." 

I grab a plate packing on two pancakes, two pieces of bacon and a mini bowl for some fruits. I rip up the bacon into little pieces so I can sprinkle it onto my pancakes, its my favorite way to eat them.

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