Game on

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She ran from me. She fucking ran.

Yeah maybe I chased her like a lunatic but I only wanted to talk to her.. and smell her hair.. and hold her.

I didn't even realize she was in the room until she was leaving. I was too distracted by my own problems. 

With my father having sent me and the others out her to gather information about the dead she-wolf I've been busy. Especially since more & more dead wolves keep coming up with absolutely no one to trace the deaths back to. 

And the few vampires I do know are staying tight lipped so we've gathered little to no information. So we decided to enroll back in NYU, since their most recent victims are around 18-21, it just made more sense.

but with that came what I've been dreading. 


Of course it cant be helped. All four of us are Lycans, top of the pyramid in the werewolf kingdom. We are faster, stronger, and bigger than werewolves. To most we look otherworldly, especially to humans.

 some say our goddess just took more time on us. 

Lycans are the closest show of how powerful our goddess is, especially the Lycan king.

My father.

And who better to send on this mission than his successor. A mission that was supposed to be full of kicking vampire ass and finally proving my worth. To show my wolves I am meant to be their future king.

But so far its all been all about girls fawning over me left and right. Cant even go to take a piss without one breathing down my neck.

I thought I was going to lose it when my first class was full of gawking eyes. But when I smelt her I could feel my breath leaving my body, My heart felt like a semi truck rammed though it and a piece had been filled in the broken shell of a man I had became all of these years.

My Mate.

I found her, my every purpose of being. And it was mall walking away from me!

Why the hell was she so fast. 

I didn't even realize I had ignored whatever nonsense Caspian was spewing and already followed her out of the door.

She makes walking look so good with her long beautiful legs. Goddess her legs. I can already tell her legs are as smooth as butter even with them being covered by her black tights.

And the he way her hips are moving in her little black pencil skirt is going to be the death of me. Her gorgeous brown curls plopping up and down as she... speeds up.

Why is she in such a hurry? Cant she smell me, feel me? Or is she human, I cant even tell because she's walking so damn fast. I could easily catch up but I don't want to scare her.

I follow her for a while before she looks over her shoulder, she has a confused look on her face that quickly turns stunned.

Does she know? Does she feel the bond? 

I can barely finish the thought before I see the pillar that's getting concerningly close to my mate. I nearly shout before she's already turned around to avoid it.

Either she's a wolf or a very hyperaware human.

I turn the same corner as her and find her sprinting. 

What the hell is she doing? 

Not wanting to lose her I start running but not too fast to where I fully catch up. I'm curious as to where she's headed.

 She keeps glancing back so I definitely know she sees me. She must think I'm chasing her, which technically I am, but by now we've ran a mile. I just wish she would stop so I could explain.

Seeming like my prayers have been answered she slows down. I slow down in response. 

My heart starts to beat faster at the thought of being able to hear her voice, look my mate in the eyes and just knowing she's mine. Forever.

Forever—Why is she going towards the parking lot? And why is she getting into a car? Whose that in the drivers seat?

I barely glance at the driver before concentrating back on her. its a female.

Okay.. good.

Must be a friend.

If she does have a boyfriend I could easily get rid of him, either by force or she'll already know she's mine and dump his sorry ass.

And if she doesn't know it I'll make sure she does. She won't ever forget that I am the one man for her. I have time. I'll love her to no end.

She's staring at me again. But this time I have her full attention. My wolf growls in excitement at our mates attention. 

He's pissed at how much I'm holding back but he also doesn't want to scare her either.

She says something before the car starts pulling off. Away from me.

I groan in displeasure when the car is finally out of sight. 

This fucking sucks. I finally find my mate, the mate I have been looking for, for decades, on a random Sunday. And she runs from me.

I nod my head slowly, mentally preparing myself to take on the challenge she's given me.

You wanna run? Fucking Game on Baby.



AHHHH its finally here! We met Julian!! I hope you guys like him so far 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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