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On The Nemesis Ship:

Soundwave quickly started tracking the location where Daikon was going.

Marcy was devastated at what just happened, and quickly went to her father's location. She wanted to be with her father. She told Shockwave we're she was going, and Shockwave understood.

Marcy went to the flight deck, and saw her father. LeoZack saw Marcy, and quickly flew down, and transformed back to his bot form.

LeoZack: Come here.

Marcy quickly ran to her father. She never felt like this when her mother was alive, but what she felt was that her true father was back.

LeoZack: shh. It's okay I am here.

Marcy: father. He has control of my son. I tried everything to protect him. I feel like I failed him.

LeoZack quickly looked at his daughter, and lifted his daughter's head. And looked directly into her eyes

LeoZack: sweetheart. This isn't your fault.

When they were both talking someone appeared, and LeoZack saw the person in the corner of his eyes. It was Megatron.

Megatron: LeoZack. So I guess you heard. And I assume you are here to help us. Because I also have contacted the autobots, and informed them about the situation.

LeoZack looked on the side of Megatron's shoulders, and saw Optimus Prime, and Ratchet

Ratchet: wait LeoZack. How we thought you were dead.

LeoZack: No, I am not dead, I am very much alive as you can see. I am here to help my daughter Ratchet

Ratchet: daughter.

Marcy: Ratchet. I am his daughter. I also have a brother named Scansers. But we have to also watch out for me because.

Ratchet: why.

LeoZack: I was once controlled by him. He found out that I had a daughter, and a son. But he wanted Marcy because he also foresaw that she will be the greater of evil.

Ratchet: great.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now