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Daikon ran, and went to the bridge to see if Megsy, and Soundy were there. The doors opened, and Daikon peeked inside, but he didn't see anyone until someone lifted him up in the air, and he noticed it was Megsy.

Daikon: Megsy. Just the person I wanted to see.

Megatron laughed:

Megatron: really.

Daikon: yes really. But one question I hope you don't mind.

Megatron: okay. Shoot. Answer a way.

Daikon: Megsy, have you ever had a sparkmate?

Megatron looked at him. But Daikon did notice that Megsy looked sad at what he asked him.

Daikon: Megsy. Did I upset you?

Megatron: No you didn't. Yes I did, but she was killed during battle. And yes I did have a child but he is still missing. I have been trying to look for him for a long time, but no luck.

Daikon: Megsy. I am really sorry for asking you this question.

Megatron: It's fine. So what was the real reason you wanted to see me?

Daikon: Well, I am going to be a big brother.

Megatron: really. Well I should congratulate you.

After Megatron, and Daikon were still talking the doors opened, and Soundwave had walked in.

Daikon: Soundy you were also the guy I wanted to see too. Anyways, how's Ravage?

Soundwave: see for yourself. Ravage.

Daikon looked, and saw Ravage coming right behind Soundy.

Daikon jumped off Megatron's lap, and ran to Ravage hugging him.

Ravage: aye. Careful Daikon, I am still in pain. I normally don't do hugs, but this is okay.

Daikon: I missed you Ravage.

Ravage: same here little guy.

Soundwave chuckled:

Soundwave: So you said you wanted to see me right Daikon.

Daikon: Yes, I already told this to Megsy. But I am going to be a big brother.

Soundwave: really well congrats to you Daikon.

Daikon: Ravage are you still having those dreams with your brothers.

Ravage: yes. Somewhat. But it's actually great to see them in my dreams. Me, and Laserbeak miss them.

Soundwave: ahem.

Ravage: oh right sorry sire. Sire misses them too. We all do. So is it true Lord Megatron. That the war has finally ended.

Megatron: yes. It has.

Soundwave opened up a portal to the autobot base. But it was only Ratchet that came out

Megatron: doc. I mean Ratchet. What brings you here?

Ratchet: well on the contrary. We need something that we are working on so we can all restore our home planet.

Megatron: Indeed. Daikon if you don't mind show our guest to Shockwave's lab.

Daikon: okay. Come on.

Ratchet followed Daikon to his fathers lab, and they reached the room, and the doors opened.

Daikon: hi father. I brought someone here to see you.

Shockwave turned around, and saw Ratchet.

Shockwave: thank you son. Hello Ratchet. I assume that you are here to gather some things.

Ratchet: Yes I am.

Shockwave was gathering the items for Ratchet to get. When Daikon decided to look around.

Daikon loved everything that his father did. He even loved Predaking, and FlightFlare. But he hasn't seen them for a while.

Daikon: father. When I can see Predaking, and FlightFlare.

Shockwave: not sure son.

Daikon told his father that he is going to visit Knockout. Daikon left, and went to the med bay.

Daikon went inside, but didn't see him. Daikon wanted to try to see if his alt mode still works so he went to the flight deck. And transformed, and flew off. He loved the view, and before he knew someone else had joined him.

Megatron: You love the view, don't you Daikon?

Daikon: Megsy. Yes I do. I just wanted to relax, and I guess to get away. Feels like nobody wants to hang out with me. Because everyone is busy.

Megatron: That's not true. You know we always try to make time for you, including me.

Daikon: yes I know. But

Megatron: Daikon. What is it?

Daikon: I feel like once my brother, or little sister is born nobody will notice I am around.

Megatron: Daikon. We will make time for you. I will make certain of that.

Daikon: thanks Megsy.

Megatron: your welcome Daikon. We better get back to the ship.

Daikon: okay.

And that's when Daikon knew that everything was going to be okay. His whole family of the decepticon army was always there helping him out. But Daikon couldn't wait until his little sister, or brother was born.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now