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Knockout was busy cleaning his supplies, and checking samples that he experimented with when he heard the door open. He turned to see who it was, and it was Lord Megatron.

Knockout: my Liege. What brings you here to see me.

Megatron: well. Aargh.

Knockout: my Lord.

Knockout was worried until he looked at Megatron's optics, and noticed that they weren't red anymore they were purple.

Knockout: my Lord.

Megatron: He will be greater. I will rise, and get him. He is the greater for evil. He is.

Knockout was more terrified because he knew this wasn't his master. He was speaking directly to Unicorn.

Comm link Knockout: Soundwave it has happened again. Need you in the med bay now.

Comm link Soundwave: I am on my way Knockout

Megatron: he will be mine… after that Megatron collapsed to the floor.

Knockout: my Lord. Can you hear me

Megatron: uhh. Get your hands off me Knockout. Megatron hitting Knockout's servos.

Knockout knew that this was his master. He knew that his master was back.

Knockout: my Lord. Unicorn

Megatron: It happened again. Uhh.

Soundwave made it to the med bay to check on Megatron.

Megatron: he is getting stronger every day. And I feel like he is almost waking up.

Knockout: my Lord. But that's impossible, Unicorn is you know the Earth's core.

Megatron: I know that I am not stupid. But you don't know Unicorn the way I do.

Knockout: apologies my Liege. But why now. He said he will be mine, he will be greater, and he will be greater for evil. Who is he talking about?

Megatron: Soundwave, go to Marcy, and Shockwave. I am afraid Daikon is now in more danger.

Knockout: wait. Unicorn wants Daikon.

Megatron: Yes he does.

After talking, and explaining everything, Megatron ordered a high alert to protect Daikon, and his family. And also keep an eye on their master. Everyone was confused, but then realized that he once infused dark energon into his body

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now