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In Daikon's Dream/Vision:

Daikon: please leave me alone. I don't like this at all.

Evil voice: oh you will someday. Like Megatron did. You will learn someday to follow me, and do what I command. Because you will be. You are destined to be greater.

The Dream/Vision ended:

Daikon: I don't like this. He ran, and hurried to find Megsy, or Soundy. Because he would understand. When he was running he bumped into someone. He looked up, and saw it was Stevey.

Daikon whimper:

Daikon: Stevey.

Steve: Daikon what's wrong.

Daikon: where is Soundy, or Megsy. Need to talk to them. Now.

Steve: Follow me.

Steve walked Daikon to where Megatron, and Soundwave was at, and when they finally reached the location to where Soundwave, and Megatron was at Megatron looked at Daikon, and knew that something was wrong.

Megatron: Daikon. What is it? What's wrong?

Soundwave: Daikon. I can sense that something is wrong.

Daikon: yes. Can I speak with you, and Megsy? Alone. Please.

Megatron looked at Soundwave, and knew that it can't be good.

Megatron: Come I have a place where we can both talk in private. Soundwave knew what place he was talking about. Megatron messaged Knockout to let Marcy, and Shockwave know that he, and Soundwave are talking to Daikon to chat in private.

Soundwave: opened a ground bridge to the location where they were heading to.

Daikon was scared but felt someone pick him up, and saw that it was Megsy. He felt a little safer, but he knew something was going to happen, but didn't know when, and where

They finally reached the location, and Megatron wanted to know what was wrong

Megatron: Daikon. I can tell that you are upset, and so can Soundwave so tell us what is wrong.

Daikon: well Megsy. You know usually I like to go to my favorite spot to be alone. But today I didn't. I don't know how to explain it. But I feel like someone is going to hurt me, or is going to try to make me follow them, or I will need to learn to listen to them.

Megatron was a little scared at what he said.

Megatron: Do you know who this person is?

Daikon: Well, his voice was very evil. I think he had purple eyes, and maybe horns. But I think I am wrong.

Megatron immediately fell to the ground. He knew who he was talking about. He was talking about one of his worst enemies. The chaos bringer, the destroyer, the one, and only Unicorn.

Megatron: Daikon. You're not wrong. I know who this guy is. His name is Unicorn. He is the most dangerous bot you can ever think of. Soundwave we need to warn Marcy, and Shockwave about this. And I want full protection of Daikon, and his family, and the whole decepticon army. I can't have Unicorn have control over him. Like he did with me.

Soundwave: yes we do my Lord. Daikon, how long has this been going on?

Daikon: I don't know. I always felt something, but shrugged it off. But this time I couldn't, I guess. Megsy I'm scared. I don't like this.

Megatron knew what Unicorn is capable of. But he didn't know what unicorn was planning. That was Megatron's worst fears.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now