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In The Cafeteria

Shockwave: uh. LeoZack.

LeoZack: Hello Shockwave.

Daikon: Father. Grandpa put me down.

LeoZack put Daikon down, and Daikon ran to his sire.

Shockwave: wait Daikon. Shockwave got up, and quickly picked up his son.

Daikon ran to his dad, and put his arms around his neck.

Shockwave: but how.

LeoZack: It was my son who saved him. Look Shockwave I know you may not trust me, but I have changed. And my daughter can feel it.

Shockwave: I can see it too actually. Here. Here's from enegron.

After LeoZack, and Shockwave were talking, Shockwave saw an autobot walk in, and it was Ratchet.

Shockwave: Ratchet what are you still doing here.

Ratchet: Well, I came to inform you guys that we all made a truce. Well Megatron, and Optimus did. The war is finally over, and we are all at peace. Actually thanks to this little guy.

Daikon: Wait, me. I didn't do anything.

Ratchet: You may think so kid. But you did, you just haven't realized it yet.

When Ratchet was done talking he was heading out, and leaving, and accidentally bumped into Marcy

Ratchet: sorry Marcy I wasn't watching where I was going

Marcy: It's okay Ratchet. Have you seen my father, husband, and my child?

Ratchet: yes. they are inside. Well I have to go. Bye Marcy.

Marcy: bye Ratchet

Marcy headed inside to tell Shockwave, and her father something.

Shockwave, and Leozack turned, and saw coming in.

Shockwave: sweet spark what are you doing here.

LeoZack: Marcy is something wrong.

Marcy: Actually, no. It's more than that Shockwave, and father.

LeoZack looked at Shockwave, and Shockwave looked at him then looked at Marcy.

LeoZack: Marcy I am confused.

Shockwave: so am I.

Marcy: well. How can I say this, Knockout gave me these results that I had asked for.

Shockwave took the datapad, and looked at it.

Shockwave: wait no you.

Shockwave gave the datapad to LeoZack to look at.

LeoZack: Marcy you're.

Marcy: the answer that I am carrying. Shockwave you are going to be a father again, and you dad you are going to be a grandpa again.

Shockwave completely passed out when she said that.

Marcy: Shockwave. Shockwave are you okay

Shockwave: yes honey. But, but. I can't believe I am going to be a dad again.

LeoZack: So do you know what it is?

Marcy: not yet dad. But I hope it is a girl.

Daikon: So what am I going to be?

Everyone laughed at the question:

Daikon: what. What did I say? I just asked what I am going to be.

Marcy: yes I know honey. You will actually be a big brother to your new brother, or sister.

Daikon was so excited, and ran, and hugged his mother.

Daikon: Can I go see Megsy, and Soundy? Please.

Marcy: Yes you can. Just be careful.

Daikon: I will. Love you mom, dad, and grandpa.

Everyone: we love you too, Daikon.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now