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In Shockwave's And Marcy's Berth Room:

Shockwave, and Marcy were surprised to see Megatron.

Shockwave: good morning my Liege. What brings you here today?

Megatron: It wasn't me who brought me here, it was Daikon. And I think he has something to ask you.

Daikon: sire, carrier can I fly in with Megsy

Shockwave turned to look at Marcy, she looked back at Shockwave.

Marcy: Wait what. Fly you can't fly yet son.

Daikon: I know that but please. You know I always dream of flying.

Marcy: well.

Shockwave: come on Marcy just let him do it. Anyways we can trust Megatron.

Marcy: I guess it's okay with me. Please Megatron just make sure he is safe.

Megatron: I know. We'll be back.

Daikon: yeah. I get to fly

Megatron picked up Daikon, and carried him to the flight deck. He sat him down so he could transform into his alt mode. But before he could transform he told Soundwave that he'll be right back. So Megatron transformed into his flight jet mode.

Daikon: wow. Cool.

Megatron: hop in.

Daikon quickly got into the cockpit, and before he knew it Megatron took off. Daikon loved the view, but he also loved the sounds that Megatron's jet made.

Daikon: this is amazing

Megatron: I know. I usually do this once in a while. Daikon, how are you holding up?

Daikon: me. You mean about what happened yesterday. I am doing fine and still hurt though who is she by the way.

Megatron: well. Her name is Airachnid. I don't trust her. She actually tried to overthrow me a long time ago.

When Megatron was explaining everything to Daikon. Megatron sensed that something wasn't right.

Daikon: Megsy, are you okay.

Megatron: I'm not sure, little guy. But I know you love the view, little guy. But for some reason I am having issues with, or a malfunction with my systems.

Comm link Megatron: Soundwave.

Comm link Soundwave: yes Lord Megatron.

Megatron: We need to head back. Having issues.

Daikon. Knew something wasn't right. Megsy, Megsy. Daikon saw the coordinates, and sent it to Soundy.

Soundwave sent a ground bridge, but knew it was dangerous because Megatron was still in his alt mode.

Before then Soundwave turned, and saw Megatron jet come straight for him. He grabbed his jet, and finally got him to stop. Soundwave opened Megatron's cockpit to let Daikon out.

Soundwave: Daikon what happened up there.

Daikon: We were doing just fine until he sensed something was wrong.

Soundwave: looks like something affected him. Lord Megatron can you hear me.

Megatron: uhh. Yes Soundwave I can't m… move, or transform.

Soundwave: Daikon can you go get Knockout. I need to stay with Lord Megatron.

Daikon: yes I will.

Daikon ran out of the bridge, and bumped into someone. He looked to see who it was, it was Knockout. Daikon quickly grabbed Knockout's servo, and was taking him to the bridge.

Knockout: hey Daikon. Slow down. What gives.

They reached the bridge, the doors opened, and Knockout saw Megatron. But not in his bot form.

Knockout: Soundwave what happened.

Soundwave: apparently from what Daikon said, Megatron sensed something was wrong, and someone probably messed with, or interfered with his systems.

Knockout: So you're telling me right now that Megatron cannot move, or transform right.

Soundwave: yes that is what I am saying.

Daikon: this is all my fault. Daikon left running, and crying because he did this to Megatron.

Knockout: what should.

Soundwave: you handle Megatron. And I will handle Daikon.

Soundwave used the ground bridge to locate Daikon. He decided to look in his berth room.

Soundwave reached the his room, but didn't see Daikon

Soundwave: Ravage I want you to try to sniff Daikon's scent to locate him.

Ravage: sire. Really..

Soundwave: yes really. Right now I need to find him, and you are going to help me.

Ravage: yes sire.

Soundwave, and Ravage both looked for Daikon. Until Ravage's audio receptors started to pick up on a familiar voice.

Soundwave: what is it Ravage

Ravage: this way sire.

They both ended in the direction, and found Daikon sitting in the back of the corner.

Soundwave went over, and picked up Daikon, and sat him on his lap to talk.

Soundwave: Daikon. This is not your fault. It sometimes happens.

Daikon: but it feels like it. I think I want to see Megsy.

Soundwave: you sure.

Daikon: yes.

They walked, and went to the bridge, and saw Megatron finally transformed into his bot form, but was completely passed out.

Daikon: Knockey is going to be okay.

Knockout: yes. He is. Come here Daikon. He put Daikon on Megatron's lap. And Knockout noticed that when he put Daikon on Megatron's lap, Daikon immediately fell asleep.

Daikon was fast asleep on Megatron's lap. And Megatron was still passed out from whatever caused his systems to malfunction. It was getting late, and Knockout told Marcy, and Shockwave what had happened, and told that Daikon is okay, and he is fast asleep on Megatron's lap.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now