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I woke up early today, and even though it was a Sunday, I couldn't sleep any longer. So, I came downstairs to make myself a coffee, and when I looked out the kitchen window overlooking the backyard, it was drizzling.

I opened the window and it felt like I turned up the volume of nature, everything sounded like a perfect orchestra.

The slow, cold breeze, the petrichor, the water dripping from the overhangs, the slow rustling of the olive branches I took a deep breath, trying to absorb the petrichor 

Even though it was cold outside I felt this warm fuzzy feeling inside of me. It was an emotion that couldn't be explained but only felt.

I was in a trance looking out the window and I suddenly snapped back to reality, when the coffee maker decided to tell me my coffee was ready. I took my coffee from the machine and went out to sit at the outdoor dining table, to enjoy the climate a bit better...

all the memories started flooding back

The journey to where I stand today!

This country

This house

This life and lifestyle

This FAMILY, this imperfectly perfect little family.


2022 September

FINALLY! I reached the airport, this is it! 

I thought to myself, Going to A new country, A new beginning, No more regrets, No more living in the past, If life has taught you anything, it is to "MOVE ON"I gathered all my luggage, and I looked at my mum,   

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, but she tried to be strong 

all she said was, BE CAREFUL and EAT HEALTHY. she Hugged me tight

But when I looked at my uncle all he did was smile

It was a mixture of fear, pride, and happiness. He didn't say a word so, I decided to tell him I'll miss him and our fights.

Again, he smiled and ruffled my hair.

I checked everything one last time and walked into the airport and waved them goodbye one last time through the huge glass window. I started feeling excited and scared simultaneously, my hands started to feel colder and colder. 

once I was done with the customs check, I still had about 2 hours till boarding so I decided to walk around the duty-free when It was about 30 minutes till boarding, I reached my gate but unfortunately the flight had been delayed due to heavy rain" What a great way to start a new journey" I thought to myself

 Finally, after 3 hours, My flight started boarding and to my surprise, I was upgraded to first class because I was a frequent flyer.

I was happy,LOL who wouldn't be?

Maybe I spoke too soon when I said "what a great way to start a new journey"

I got comfortable in my seat, I was wearing a comfy outfit so that I won't feel stuffy on the plane, took out my phone, my AirPods, and my book.

I put my regular playlist on shuffle, RUN BTS started playing, I was looking out the window, watching the ground crew load the luggage into the cargo. I sensed someone was putting their carry-on into the cabin but I couldn't care less and be lost in thoughts.

After some time I got bored and turned to face the in-flight entertainment, I saw the person sitting next to me,

Even though the mask mandate was lifted he still had his on but I'm not the one to speak cuz I had mine on too. Talk about insecurities!

He had a cute eye smile and pitch-black hair.

He was wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans.

God! his HAnds!

 It was every nurse's dream. Damn those veins...

I guess he saw me shamelessly staring at his hands while looking like a possessed girl.

He cleared his throat and I snapped back to reality

He was still looking at me so I decided to break the awkward silence and introduced myself

HWANG Y/N I said while extending my hand

CHRIS he said while shaking mine...

From Author

Hey guys, this is my first Book on Wattpad 

hope you enjoy it

There's going to be a lot of emotions, angst, romance, and warmth

So, buckle up As I plan to take you guys on an emotional rollercoaster.

And please do comment and let me know if you guys have any suggestions, I'm open to constructive criticism

If you like it do let me know in the comments.

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