🌩️Terrible mistake🌩️

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Katsuki and Izuku spent their day watching television while Izuku's head was on Katsuki's lap. "I hate this series so much but at the same time I don't fucking know why I watch this," Katsuki complained to his boyfriend while playing with his hair. "It's fun!" Izuku answer. They watch a prank show and Katsuki will rate the prank on his own criteria. Izuku will be his supporter. 

"I rank this 3 out of 10. I mean who the fucking hell will fall for that secondhand prank?" Izuku chuckles and pinches his nose. "Tonight we will go to the reunion. Don't forget. I already dobby our clothes." Izuku reminds him and suddenly wakes up. "OH SHIT, I NEED TO SIGN THE PROPOSAL!" He quickly wears his cap and takes his motorbike key. 

"The fuck that has been through your head." Katsuki didn't take his eyes off the television. "Well for your information Sir Katsuki, YOU are the one that runs through my head all day. Wanna go with me?" He said while wearing his sneakers. 

"Nah it's okay. I wanna watch this stupid show."
"Oh come on. You can record that series."
"And you can fucking go alone."
"Okay, I love you bye!"
"I fucking love you too."

He starts the motorbike and the sound of the engines starts to roam. Katsuki sigh. He only leaves here free. Katsuki still didn't get why Izuku still want to accept him after all he did. 


"I should be the one to thank because wonderful omega like you want to accept me." Izuku holding the ring while he kneels down on his knee. 

"Izuku... get up! Alpha like you shouldn't begging an omega!"

He stands up and holds Katsuki's hand.

"You are a gorgeous omega. I can't leave without you.." Katsuki takes a deep breath and tries to find the courage, to tell the truth.

"Actually I didn't ready to have a baby. Two people married because of that and I may think that I'm not ready yet. Round belly, having a life in me. I don't want that commitment." Izuku shock. That's why Katsuki has avoided that situation all the time.

"If that so..." He closes back the ring and smiles bitterly. Yes, he wants a baby but what can he do when Katsuki didn't ready? His mom must expect a grandchild after married and will pressure Katsuki. "I will save this ring until you are ready. But in that period, you need to stay with me. No more working for you. I want to prove to you that I'm ready to have that commitment. To be a husband." 


Katsuki just laughs when he remembers that moment. That ring is still in the box. He wants to wear that ring he can't deny but the moment the responsibility will go to his shoulder is unbelievable to believe. Not long after that, Izuku back home with two bags of chips and two suits. "Honey I'm home! Tada! Our matching clothes have been ready." Katsuki helps him by taking that clothes and placing them in their shared wardrobe. 

He then pours cold water for Izuku and comes back to him. "Thank you. You are the best. Your show already end?" Katsuki just nod. Izuku starts to suspect something. "Wanna watch All Might movie? You always complain about me that has no time to watch that together." With that, Katsuki quickly takes that remote and follow the instruction. Izuku passes back the glass and exhales a big breath. "Come here!" He opens his arm wide to show where the place should Katsuki belong. "I need to do something." Katsuki walks upstairs. 

He lay down on his bed and close his eyes. Try to escape the guilty situation from reality. Everyone at the reunion later will ask when Izuku will propose to him. And knowing Izuku, he will innocently say that he is not ready yet so that Katsuki will not be the one to blame for rejecting him. Nobody knows that Izuku already proposed to him. 

"How dare you leave me alone downstairs. Hey, Katsuki? Baby, are you taking a nap? But it's only 3 pm." Izuku lay beside him. No answer. "Are you thinking something? What's on your mind? You know you can always share with me so please don't make me like your shadow." Izuku waits for the answer. Katsuki lost and open his eyes and face Izuku. 

"I'm thinking about what will happen tonight. Everyone must be blaming you while actually, I'm the one who didn't ready." Izuku smiles softly and kisses him making him stop talking. "It's okay, baby. If it's you I can even sacrifice myself. Don't be afraid, please." Before Katsuki talked Izuku gave him another kiss. "I love you and don't take any bullshit from you anymore. Come here." Finally, Katsuki is in Izuku's arms. He hides his face in Izuku's chest. "Izuku you already in your dream?" Katsuki heard the snore. He knows Izuku very well. He must be very tired but hold himself because of him. If he can't figure out what happen to Katsuki, he will not relieve even though he is tired.

"OH MY GOD! THERE IS OUR BAKUDEKU!" Mina shouted and everyone clapped. It confirmed to Izuku and Katsuki that there are the last guests arrived. "I see that the cute omega here didn't wear any ring. It's already 5 years and still didn't have any plan to marry?" Kaminari's words stab Katsuki straight in his heart. Izuku rubs his back giving him support. 

"It's the same question from you as expected, Kaminari. But no. I'm not ready yet to become a father. Excuse us." He leads Katsuki to sit. "I'm sorry." He whispers to Izuku but Izuku just smiles meaning that only a small matter. After almost an hour, all of them were drunk. "Yeow, Mina. Izuku keeps saying *hic* that he did not prepare *hic* to be a father. What if we *hic* give them a baby." Kaminari laugh after that and almost fell. Luckily Shinso catches him. 

"I'm sorry please don't hear what he saying." Mina laughs loudly. "No Kaminari is a genius and only idiot didn't hear that." "Ouch.." 

Mina stands on her chair and knocks on her glass with a spoon that makes a loud noise. "Attention, we will play seven minutes in heaven!" Everyone cheers. They play and by faith, Izuku and Katsuki got paired together. 

"Izuku looks! This is a soft bed." Katsuki starts to lie and his clothes start to reveal a lot of his body parts. "It is hot here! Baby help me!" Izuku starts to lay beside him and helps him to open his clothes. His finger starts to explore his boyfriend's pale, soft skin. He then kisses Katsuki's neck. "I need you." He whispers. "And I fucking need you too." "That fucking sound sexy..." Katsuki laugh. His face was red. 

"Please don't. I'm not ready to carry a baby." Izuku kisses his body. Suddenly he sniffs something. "Katsuki. You don't eat your pill? You in heat!" Izuku fang starts to show. The sweet aroma starts to linger on his nose. That's why you cant unite Alpha and Omega during Omega heat. "Izuku, haa, haa Help me... Please..." "My pleasure baby."

"Will they get the baby?" Todoroki asks Mina. "Of course, they will! That little Omega there having his heat now. Since the room is occupied what if we have a dance!" 

AN: Sorry for the bad grammar. I try since eng, not my first language :)

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