🎗️His name is Kei🎗️

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After that incident, Katsuki back to his share apartment with Kirishima. Kirishima didn't brave enough to ask more so he just pretend that it is normal. One night when both of them watch television, suddenly Katsuki asks Kirishima about work. "The restaurant where I work has one position. As a kitchen helper. That's my previous job actually but since I get promoted to the assistant manager that position is vacant." Katsuki nod. Well, his cooking didn't taste bad. "I want that job. I may have zero work experience but trust me, I can handle such a simple job." Kirishima laughs at part of' work experience'. 

"I can't wait to see that. By the way, did Midoriya know about this?" Katsuki sigh. He knows that he can't hide it forever. "Actually we already break up. I don't want to talk any shit right now but you get that idea." Kirishima shock. "It must be hard..." "Yeah. Don't tell anyone including your freaking fiance." "I promise." 

It is a miracle when Katsuki got immediate acceptance to work. He then meets the chef, Kei. Cute Alpha. "I can't believe my helper is Omega. Don't worry, I don't have any different service for an alpha, beta, or omega." He smiles and shakes his hand with Katsuki. "I like that integration. Your omega must be lucky." Kei's face suddenly changes and continues to do his job. 

"Psst. He didn't have any omega. His ex cheats on him in such a disgusting way. Let's say he trauma in love." Kirishima whispers and excuses himself to continue his work. "So, Kei. What's your full name?" Katsuki tries to chat. Well, some feeling in him wants to know more about that Alpha. His personality reminds him of Izuku. But his love experience is like his. 

"I see that you are interested in me." He takes a scent patch from the drawer and pastes in on Katsuki's shoulder which makes Katsuki blush immediately. "I can smell your excited pheromone and that will cause danger. Maybe another friendly tea during our break can help you find your answer?" Kei smile and walks to the pantry. Katsuki knows that that is the hint to focus on work. That guy is interesting. 

Finally, break. Katsuki sits on the chair while fanning himself with a cap. "Your ice lemon tea." Kei put the tea and take sit in front of him. "My name is Kei Hiroyuki." Katsuki nod. "That's a nice name." "Really? I love your name more. Katsuki Bakugo. You and Kirishima having a romantic relationship or what?" That question makes Katsuki laugh. 

"Me and him? No way. That psycho girl will kill me for sure. We have both been friends since high school. I don't have any lover. Just don't want to burden my fucking head." Kei takes a sip of his coffee. "If any alpha hears this, you will be such a hot sale. There will fight to get you, trust me."

"So why not you try?"

Katsuki's face blushed when he realizes what he said. "Ah, I need to go now! Bye!" He runs to the bathroom and takes a deep breath. His heart beat faster. This must be the urge to find an Izuku replacement. Yeah, it is. No way in hell Katsuki Bakugo will fall in love with the guy that he didn't even meet for 24 hours. He bangs his head on the door. He fuck up. How did he suppose to work without any awkward environment?

"I see that you are interested in Kei." Kirishima directly said during dinner. "What? Since when?" Katsuki starts to nervous. "I know you. Kei is not a bad guy. But I believe that even if you flirt with him, he will reject you. I can't deny that his love life is a tragedy. I don't want you to get hurt." What the fuck Kirishima think he is? He will get that man for sure! That is like a challenge to him and everyone know that Katsuki love challenge. 

Day after day, he tries to flirt with Kei, and just like Kirishima said, Kei keeps friend-zoning him which makes him annoying. It is near the end of the month and they have celebrated like always. "Bakugo watch your step. I don't want you to get hurt." They arrive at a famous restaurant. "I know. Stop treating me like a baby when you didn't have any intention to make me your baby." 

Kei laugh. "But I still love you as a friend. I hope you will not get too drunk." Its lie. Kei word becoming truth. In another way. Katsuki is the drunkest person and Kei volunteers to carry him back home. Kirishima just nods and says thanks. He has a date with Mina after this and didn't guarantee that he can arrive early so he gives Kei the key. "Hey, Kei Hiroyuki. Why do you keep rejecting me? All alpha will chase me but you are different." It looks like alcohol turns Bakugo into an honest person. 

"My girlfriend for 4 years cheat me with my own brother. My flesh blood. I caught them having sex in the kitchen. A week before we get married" By that, Katsuki hiccups. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that." 

"Nah, it's okay. It is in the past. I believe that god will give more better than her."
"But you keep rejecting me. What if the answer to your prayer is me? And you keep denying it." "But I taught you just playing."
"Since fucking when I play bullshit?"
"So you mean, you really interested in me?!"
"Fuck you." 

Katsuki hides his face in Kei's neck. "I'm sorry I doubt your feelings." 

"My ex is the CEO of IMK company. We together for almost 5 years. He cheats me with a woman that he only meets not more than 3 months. At first, I also taught that the weird feeling to you is just the emptiness that I felt when he left me. But now I realize... I love you Kei. I want to embrace you. I want to make you believe what is love again. I want to open back your heart to the colorful world. Will you give me chance?" 

As soon as he said that, he fell asleep. Kei's heart beat faster. Maybe it didn't hurt. Maybe Katsuki is the right person. "Katsuki are you asleep?" The snore answers him.

The next day is the weekend and Katsuki realizes Kirishima didn't been back home yet. He surprises when he sees Kei sleeping in a sitting position. It looks like he guided him. But why? "Hey, wake up!" He shakes that body. "Good morning. Are you okay?" "A little bit dizzy. How the hell you here and sleep like that position?! Are you fucking ghost or what? Your neck didn't feel want to broke?!" "It's worth it for my boyfriend. Wait here, I will bring you a painkiller." With that Kei was gone from his sight. Boyfriend?! Katsuki hides his face in a pillow as he didn't believe it. The hottest alpha, the play-hard alpha now is his boyfriend?! What happen yesterday?! Whatever happened, he was grateful so much. Kei Hiroyuki now is his boyfriend!

AN: Do leave me what you think so far! That means a lot to me :)

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