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Katsuki falls asleep at the dinner table when the door unlocks. "Katsuki, why are you sleeping here?" Izuku woke him softly. He realizes that there is fancy food on the table. "I'm waiting for you. But I guess it's morning already." Katsuki woke up and tidy up the food. He brings all that to the kitchen. "Waiting for me? For what?" Izuku follows him. 

"Yesterday is our anniversary. I realize I treat you badly yesterday when I didn't want to wash your suit. So I make you lunch since I taught that no way you will forget it. Turn up, nobody shows up. Maybe your schedule is packed, but I understand and prepare for dinner. And now," He trashes the dinner food. Izuku saw yesterday's lunch also in the trash. 

"Fuck, Im so sorry Katsuki. I,"
"Don't touch me." 

Katsuki walks upstair and take shower. Izuku looks at his wardrobe and all his suits there. He really disappointed in himself. When he heard the door unlock, he quickly approach him. "Baby, I want to make up with you. We will go to your favorite restaurant, and watch a movie, or do something you want to do okay?" He realizes Katsuki's eyes puffy red meaning he was just done crying. "No need. The day already pass. You should prepare to work." Katsuki takes his clothes. "I will change in the guest room." The door closed. 

Izuku looks at the bed and sees flower petals. He fuck up. As fast as light, he waits for Katsuki in front of the door. 30 minutes passed and finally, the door revealed the blonde. But as soon as Katsuki see Izuku, he slammed the door back. "I'm sorry. Please open the door. We can talk, right?" Izuku begged as he starts to bang on the door. "No, we can't. Just go to your fucking work!" Katsuki slowly cries again. "I count to three, I will break this door down. One...Two...."


"That's much easier thank you. Listen I know I'm wrong. I'll take a day off and we can rewind back to yesterday. Okay, honey?" Katsuki just shakes his head. "No." He pushes Izuku and walks downstairs. Izuku chases him and they arrive in the living room. "Yesterday, I'm too busy! I need to complete the new proposal, remember? If you don't believe, you can ask Sakura." Katsuki stops his steps. 

"You alone with Sakura yesterday?" His voice trembles. "Yes, because she is my new secretary. You know if Todoroki is here, he will also do the same." Izuku tries to defend himself. "No. That fucking icy hot will remind you of our not-so-special day." He wears his shoes. "I need to clean my head. It's messy as hell right now." 

"Can you tell me why?" Izuku starts shaking. His hand holds his fist. 

"Why, instead of forgiving me, or letting me make amends to you you choose to run from this situation. Didn't we always talk together if we have a problem? Why lately, have you become so selfish?! Im not a perfect Alpha, Katsuki. No Alpha didn't do a mistake to their Omega. And every second, I try to be the best for you." 

With that words, Katsuki runs away. Izuku just sigh and look at the clock. What's the point of taking a day off if Katsuki already runs? He decides to prepare himself for work. 

"Bakugo! Didn't know that we will meet again. How Izuku? Does he like your lunch date?" Yaoyorozu approaches him at the park. "mhm." Katsuki didn't have the mood to answer any questions right now. "You have any problem that you want to share? I'm all ear!" She takes a sit beside him. "I'm just a useless Omega that wastes his Alpha. Seriously, why the fucking hell does that nerd want me to be his partner? It's all bullshit." Katsuki blurts out what was on his mind. Yaoyorozu hit the soft spot on him that make him talk. He never shares his problems with others.

"I guess, the perfect Katsuki Bakugo also has his own insecurity. You are not useless, and Midoriya sees something special about you. You know, like spark!" She try to cheer him but Katsuki didn't hear anything. "I hate to admit but lately I feel like shit. Everything Izuku does to me is wrong. Somehow, I hate his smell, and make me want to vomit!" Yaoyorozu is shocked by that statement.

"Bakugo, are you pregnant?" 

That guess makes Katsuki shocked. No, no. He not! He touches his stomach. Yes, it may look big, but that is because he didn't do any exercise. "I need to go now." He grabs his bag and walks away from Yaoyorozu. Fuck. He wanna go to the clinic so bad but what if he really pregnant? Since when? Suddenly he bumps into someone. 

"Watch where you going you fucker!" Katsuki yell. "I'm sorry! Oh, Mr. Bakugo good morning!" That man holds his hand. Katsuki frown. "I'm Suwashi, an employee of IMK company. I see that you forget me already. Since it has been so long, how about I treat you coffee?" Suwashi successfully makes Katsuki follow him. As they order and wait, Suwasi starts the conversation.

"I'm glad I see you here."
"You didn't have any work today?" 

Katsuki seems like didn't interested in him. "I have. But my shift on 2 pm. My sister needs me to help her with her new school registration." Katsuki nod. "Actually, I have something that urgently needs to tell you. It's about Boss." Suwashi takes out his phone and shows him the recording of Sakura and Izuku. 

"I fucking knew it!" 

He slams the table and goes to IMK company. Before he goes upstairs he sees Izuku's car and that makes him move faster. "Yes Sir, do you have an appointment today?" The front desk lady asks. "The hell should I make an appointment to meet that shit?!" He takes out free access card and gives it to that lady. Izuku gives him that card so that he can meet him anytime. The button lifts almost broken when Katsuki pushes it too hard. He walks straight to Izuku's room. 

"Sir, Boss having a meeting there so-"
"you shut your fucking mouth."

Katsuki shows the middle finger to Sakura and bursts into the room. 

"So, I need the-" 

Midoriya shut his mouth as soon as he sees Katsuki. "Excuse us," Izuku grabs Katsuki's hand but he pulls it away. "It's okay. I see that this beautiful omega wants to join us. He with me." The CEO of company JY, Mr. Daichi pulls the chair. Izuku already knows that all his clients are greedy alphas that can't see any beautiful omega. "No, this is a business matter. Katsuki please." He tries another attempt to bring Katsuki out but this time, Mr. Hansuke from the HaPPy company defends him. "That's such a beautiful name Katsuki. Izuku, let him be. Only three of us here." Izuku shakes his head. "I'm sorry gentleman, but I'm checking this omega out." He drags Katsuki and walks to Todoroki's room. (Since Todoroki is his best friend, he get his own room and didn't want to use the secretary's desk. That's why Sakura sits there). 

"What the hell are you doing?! You know almost all my business partner is pervert alpha right?!" Izuku half yelling. "I know. Because you are also one of them!" Katsuki pushes him. "The fuck? Since when did I cheat on you? Just now you mad at me and now you throwing slender at me?" Izuku's eyes turn dark. "FUCK YOU IZUKU! YESTERDAY WHEN OUR ANNIVERSARY, YOU STAY UP AT THIS BULLSHIT WITH THAT SLUT SO THAT SHE CAN GIVE YOU A CHEAP MASSAGE!" 

For the first time, Izuku was grateful that Todoroki's room was soundproof. 

"She just help me, Katsuki."
"How did you know?"
"Someone record that lovely scene. Why? Finally ready to admit the truth?"
"You trust that person more than me? Katsuki, you know me for almost 5 years, and you decide to believe whoever that shit? I can't believe you..."
"So you admit that was you."
"That is me. I don't know what happen but she has only been here for a month and she can understand me very well. While you?"
"You wanna leave me because of her?"
"I don't. But it seems like you want this by yourself. Even though I try to make up with you, you still didn't want it. Katsuki, I can't handle this shit anymore. From now on, I let go of you. You can stay at my house if you want-"
"I don't need that shitty house. I'm moving out." 

Just when Katsuki wants to walk out, he bumps into Sakura. "I'm sorry to interfere but the client waiting for you, boss." Katsuki rolls his eye and pushes her with his shoulder roughly. "Boss you okay?" "Cancel that appointment. I don't want anyone to disturb me. I'm taking emergency leave for one week."

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