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poe cup

                                  CHAPTER 𝐈𝐈:                                       poe cup

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Yoko and Eileen shared a dorm - and currently they where getting ready to attend the annual harvest festival

Yoko help a pink long sleeve and denim shorts in front of the mirror "Yoko i love you but no" Eileen walked towards her desk where she placed all her jewelry

"Can i borrow some of your clothes" Yoko asked as Eileen gave her a nod - she could hear her going through the closet

"Yoko how's this" She stepped into the closet and showcased the outfit Eileen had a black mesh top, a skirt with tights underneath along with some doc martens she had recently gotten.

"I think im in love with you" Yoko said opening her mouth as Eileen gave her a hug "Here try this on" She handed the her a sheer pink shirt with a matching skirt

"I don't know what i would do without" Yoko laughed before going to change they left nevermore and walked towards the carnival

They both entered the Harvest Festival which was hosted at a carnival - they always went their separate ways, Eileen went over to Star Dart

"Funny seeing you here, I didn't think Wednesday Addams would ever step foot in a carnival" Eileen stood next to Wednesday and grabbed a dart, she threw it while her eyes where still tracked on Wednesday

"This place makes me sick" Wednesday said before throwing a dart and popping a balloon until there was non left to pop, Eileen turned her head only to see Xavier heading towards her

"Jeez, you get any better at this you'll be taking home a whole back" Xavier said standing next to the two girls "Pandas don't travel in packs"

"They prefer solitude" Eileen spoke up and turned her head over to face the boy who's the expression had softened

"You should know im waiting for someone" Wednesday said looking at Xavier "You are?" Eileen questioned before looking around

"Oh yeah who's the lucky guy, or girl" Xavier looked at Wednesday before his eyes flickered onto to Eileen who was to busy looking around

"Didn't mean to interrupt" Tyler Galpin - the sheriff's son approached us, neither Xavier and I have good history with me

"Your not" Xavier walked away while Eileen "Tyler this is Eileen" Wednesday introduced us "I know" He quickly replied

"You guys know eachother?"

"We go way back" Eileen gave them a smile "Isn't that right Tyler?" Eileen walked away

                                        ☾ ─

"Your doing Poe cup this year right" Enid said approaching her sister who was currently mixing paint "Yes Enid im not getting my hands dirty for nothing"

"If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, i will literally scratch my own eyes out" Enid went on a rant page "I would pay money to see that"

"Glad where on the same page" I picked up a paint brush and helped Yoko paint side

"I witnessed his murder, Enid" Wednesday said ad Eileen started eavesdropping "We all saw him this morning vert much like not dead"

As Xavier's names was mentioned in the girl's conversation they both turned around to look at her, Eileen quickly pretend like she wasn't paying attention - Wednesday walked away

"Eileen, if you where going to eavesdrop you didn't have to make it so obvious" Enid said scowling her sister to which she rolled her eyes too Eileen was about to talk when Enid interrupted her

"I know what you going to ask why we brought up Xavier - you know the guy your madly obsessed with"

"Shit Eileen we have to go where gonna be late" Yoko said before dragging her roommate they both grabbed their bags and headed towards their class

"Is it just me or is Wednesday talking to a plant" Eileen sat down in the back - where you can easily use your phone

Bianca and Wednesday where currently having a competition over first chair "Are we still talking about flowers" Soonly after miss thornhill remased us to lunch

"I swear Nevermore needs to make better food" Yoko said as they where in line for food "Tell me about it" They grabbed their food and sat down

Yoko started breaking out into coughs "Yoko are you okay" The struggling girl started pointing to a piece a bread - garlic bread

"Yoko!" Enid shouted "Don't just stand there Enid help me take her to the infirmary" Eileen struggled getting her roommate up from the bench

As both the Sinclair sister's walked towards the infirmary faint sniffing could be heard "Enid why are you crying"

"Yoko's out of poe cup, and i don't have a co-pilot" She sniffled some more "Ask Wednesday she would want to humiliate Bianca at her own game" She said as they dropped Yoko off

"You right" Enid hugged her sister as Eileen wrapped her arms around the younger girl

Eileen walked towards the tent where the custom suits she had made laid on a table - she changed into the custom before walking out

"There you are" Enid took ahold of her sister's hand "Get in" Eileen turned her head to look at Xavier who was already looking at her she raised her eyebrows at him "Focus" Wednesday reminded her

Principal Weens started her annual speech before every Poe Cup race - The first team to row across the island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk

Everyone one started rowing the canoe water getting everywhere "Excuse us" The Jokers passed by our boat

All the girls ducked down as an axe went over their heads "Holy shit" Eileen touched her head making sure her hair was still intact "Eileen due us all a favor and shut up" Enid let out a frustrated huff

They where the second ones to make it to shore Wednesday got off as Enid and Eileen stayed behind incase the other teams tried to sabotage our canoe

"Thing i need you to distract a couple of jokers" A hand came crawling out which startled the older girl "There's a first for everything" Enid turned to face her sister and shrugged

Enid got up and walked towards the canoe and clawed into it a loud cracking noise echoed through the open space

"Wednesday takes long at the worst times" The girl dressed in back came into view running towards them with a flag in her hand

They started rowing and passed the Jokers who's canoe had sinking "Cheaters" They yelled

Wednesday had built in some latches into the canoe to keep the other teams away - she pulled a latch down and spikes came out from the side of the boat which quickly destroyed Biancas canoe

It was shocking that they actually won - later that day principal Weems awarded us with a trophy Xavier had a small smile on his face



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