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       chapter 𝐕𝐈:
       rave'n dance

                                  chapter 𝐕𝐈:                                  rave'n dance

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Eileen was in town shopping with Enid, Divina and Yoko for the Rave'n dance they stopped at Hawte Kewture first

"The theme is white, but that's not gonna do it for me" Enid walked in the place was full a vibrant colors "Now i understand why Wednesday doesn't like color" Eileen said before following her sister

"I just walked in and i already found my dress" Enid's voice echoed the store before walking up to the three girls carrying a long sleeve dress that had fur and glitter

"It screams Enid Sinclair" Eileen walked around her sister reaching a rack of dressed "You guys would look good in anything" Divina said before standing next to Eileen she looked over at her

"I've been meaning to speak to you about my brother" Kent and Divina where twins - and sirens "What about him?" She questioned before going back going through the rack of clothes

"You know what never mind, you'll find out sooner or later" Divina walked away leave Eileen caught off guard "Close your mouth, i don't need to smell your breath" Enid put her fingers under her older sister's chin lifting it up

"Do you have a date?" Her sister questioned "I heard someone was going to ask you" A slight smile appeared on Eileen's face "Im not supposed to bring your hope's down, but it's not Xavier" The sides of the girls mouth fell

"Why would i ever think it could be him" She sighed "Is Ajax your date" Her sister slapped her arm "I dont need you mentioning his name today"

"What did he do" She said before picking up a periwinkle dress with a slit that also had a corset "He stood me up" Her eyes snapped to her sister "He's has snakes on his head, don't you think that he maybe stoned himself"

"You have an excuse for almost everything" Enid was about to say something else which Eileen assumed was an insult "How does this look girls" They all walked towards a mirror which showed Eileen holding up the dress

"Now that dress could have peoples everyone's jaw dropping" Yoko said giving the girl's shoulder a squeeze as Enid and Divina gave each other a stare before walking away giggling

"I wonder what they're planning" Eileen walked towards the register "Let's just hope they don't ruin my night"

"Here" Enid handed her sister the dress "I will pay you back, now stop looking at me like that" Enid was obviously not going pay her older sister back

They all stopped at a few more shops - more money getting spent on each one they walked into to

"Let's get coffee" Enid suggested as they walked the weathervane hitting Eileen with major deja vu

𝐬𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 ⸺ 𝘹𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now