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chapter 𝐗:
                             gates mansion

                                    chapter 𝐗:                                gates mansion

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Eileen's morning routine was abruptly normal than the last few days. She woke up to the to see the sun barley rising, she peeled off her silk bed sheets from her body. She looked over to her alarm clock that read 6:11am. Something about this day felt peculiar but she couldn't point it out.

She brushed her teeth and practiced her smile in the mirror a couple of time before - making her way towards her disorderly vanity. She picked out a basic black skirt the still passed as uniform, plain white nevermore shirt - she put on some tights before grabbing her Mary janes to pair with her skirt

She swiftly put on her clothes turning back to her clock that now read 6:20am. She brushed out her hair as her roommate Yoko woke up

"Morning E" The tired girl groaned in the dark room
"Get ready i'll meet you at breakfast" Eileen said as she applied her jewelry before exiting the shared dorm room

"What a terrible way to start this morning" A Wednesday Addams walked around the corner approaching the girl "Yeah good morning to you too" the older girl took a step back bumping into sometimes- or someone before quickly turning around face flushed in embarrassment

"it just me Lee" She felt the boys hot breath against her neck and that intoxicating smell of his cologne - it was Xavier "Not need to get all startled" He chuckled, Eileen walked away before disappearing into the hall crowded with students

Eileens sudden disappearance from the group was caused by her thoughts, all the thoughts about a particular boy came back she needed space so she went out to the woods towards their shed,

she spent her time admiring his art work while the thought of what had occurred the night before still lingered on her mind

Eileen was finally about to head back towards the school "I knew i would find you here, i need something from you" Wednesday Addams approached her "God your everywhere Wednesday almost convinced your stalking me" The girl closed the shed shut before hearing Wednesday out

"I don't usually ask for help, but for this occasion i do" Wednesday spoke her voice clear "Get to the point" Eileen sighed "Could you accompany me to the gate's mansion" Eileen looked back up at Wednesday unsure if she heard her right

"Slow down you want me to go the an abandon broken down house that's crawling with rodents" Eileen stated getting chills from the name itself  "I'll just ask Enid" Wednesday turned around not giving the girl a chance to speak leaving in her in the dark

By the time that Eileen got to the school grounds Wednesday Addams was nowhere in sight and those thoughts still lingered that she had totally forgotten there was a full moon tonight

Eileen was walking to Thornhills office to get a pass to the lupin cages when she saw Enid walking out of her office with a smile beamed onto her face "Last time i check u hadn't wolfed out yet" Eileen came up behind her sister

"I don't know what your talking about" Her younger sister was always a terrible liar "Then why do you have a lupin cage pass in your hands" Enid didn't know what to say she had been caught and started panicking spilling names out

"Wednesday made me she think wanted to redo her birthday" Eileen scoffed she knew what the Addams girl was planning "You believe anything Enid"

"Im going with you" She looked down at the oddly confused girl "I knew you would changed your mind once i brought Enid into this" Wednesday said as the girls followed behind her "Yeah cause theirs no way in hell im letting her get hurt"

Wednesday led them to a car, Tylers car to be specific - everyone got in a Tyler looked back "Turn around Tyler" She crossed her legs as he started driving before they  arrived at the Gates Mansion

"Enid stick with me" The girl nodded her head following her sister like a lost puppy, Tyler was having trouble opening the door she went in front of him and easily busted the door open "Werewolf thing" Both sisters said in sync

"I knew this place was gonna be like this" Eileen said watching her step trying not to mess up her shoes as they made their way around the house "Seen enough?" Tyler questioned as Wednesday inspected a very old book self

She clicked a button causing the shelf to open "Who would've thought" Eileen said as her sister whimpered "Who dosent have a spooky built-in altar in their family libary"

"Ours is in our living room" Wednesday spoke getting weird looks from the group behind her "Sounds about right" The groups eyes turned to Eileen "Dont tell me you guys didn't see that coming" Tyler nodded

"Tyler you check the rest we'll take the top floor" Enid whimpered at that reviving a hit in the arm from her sister "

Enid and Wednesday where arguing about splitting up in the house "The faster you search the sooner you can leave" Wednesday walked away "Yeah let's search pretty fast" Enid and Eileen went right as Wednesday went left

As the got in the room they started to search "Eileen" Her sister spoke "What is it" Eileen answered still going through the room "I forgot to tell you Xavier was looking for you" Eileen heart skipped a bit

Enid wasn't able to continue as something shattering could be heard downstairs as it sure wasn't Wednesday as she was standing right next to the two

"It's here" Tyler said before a screamed echoed "Dumbwaiter" Wednesday acted quick as they all managed to fit in there, the dumb waiter fell as all the girls screamed before hitting the ground, Eileen yelped as she hit her head against the door

"Come on Eileen we have to go" The Hyde was trying to break into the garage - she climbed out the window her hand holding her head as she felt the warmth of blood

Both girls put their hands around the girl supporting her as they found Tyler "Your bleeding" Enid said stating the obvious receiving a glare from her sister "Lee" Xaviers voiced could be heard "Where'd u come from" Wednesday asked but his only concern was the girl in front of him Eileen Sinclair

"Xavier" She smiled as the boy put a cloth onto the back of her head


                                           ☾ ─

𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢 speaks
so sorry for not updating for months, i might get more active on Sad Girl again, this part is all over the place omm

I made a obx fic hope you guys check it out

I made a obx fic hope you guys check it out

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