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chapter 𝐈𝐗:

                                    chapter 𝐈𝐗:                                         crypt

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Eileen was currently hiding behind a rock at Cracks tones crypt, you could smell her from a mile away Eileen smelled like frosting after baking a for the Wednesday Addams

"How much longer" The girl complained to Xavier who was bent down next to her "Stop whining Eileen, here" He handed her - his purple zip up jacket "Thanks" She smiled as her cheeks turned a noticeable shade of pink

"Oh shit" She heard Yoko whisper from behind her she turned her head around to face the girl "What?" She questioned leaning in closer to her friend "All this dust is making my allergies act up" She tried to hold back a cough

"You better not" Eileen said waving her hands away trying to get rid of any dust around them "Keep doing that and your going to pock someone eye out Lee" Xavier whispered as Yoko let out a cough ruining their cover

"Whoever you are, show yourself" Wednesday voice echoed the old crypt, everyone came out from behind the stone "Surprise" Eileen yelled as everyone started singing her happy birthday

As Enid brought out the cake that was set at the entrance "I thought my cake design was pretty inspired" Xavier said bumping the girls shoulder "The pink ballon was my little touch, Eileen did the baking and frosting mostly everything"

"Make a wish" Wednesday turned her head away from the grime reaper inspired cake as something caught her attention "Fire will rain when i rise" Wednesday read off the wall "That not really a wish" Eileen slightly kicked her sister telling her to be quiet

"Wait, were never eating that cake are we?" Ajax spoke up as Eileen let out a sigh of frustrations "I did not put my blood, sweat and tears into this for nothing" Eileen turned to Xavier only to see he was already looking at her

"I get it your obsessed with Taylor Swift but not the time" Enid spoke up as Wednesday head went back "I knew there was something wrong with her but not this type of crazy" Yoko said as she grabbed Wednesday before she could hit the ground

                                           ☾ ─

Eileen and Xavier stood in front of the front yard of Nevermore where a message was engraved - "I'll meet you there" Eileen said as Wednesday approached them "Eileen wait" Xavier said before Wednesday started a conversation with him

Xavier soon caught up with the girl "Never leave me alone with her again" He put his arm around the girl "She comes out of nowhere literally" She choked down a laugh as Xavier unlocked the shed

"I just unlocked a memory a forgot i had" She put her things down and grabbed Xavier's hand dragging him with her "Do you think our initials are still here?" She questioned dusting a counter "They wouldn't magically disappear" He smirked

"Probably," She shrugged with a grin, running her finger over the wood before her eyes landed on a carving above it

E.S + X.T 4EVER, encircled by a scratchy heart.
Despite her own aching heart, Eileen captured this on her phone, turning only to find Xavier's own eyes on it.  He met hers after a moment, and the two shared a bittersweet smile.

It had been three years since their initials were carved in a proclamation of infinite love, and despite their status of ex friends, something had to be said for the fact that they were here, together, after all this time with no interruptions.

"God i never realized how much i missed you and your smile" Xavier said putting a strand of hair behind Eileens ear she was about to open her mouth to speak but a creaking noise was heard all throughout the shed both teens moved away from eachother

"Why is it every time im here, I interrupt something" Wednesday spoke as Thing climbed onto Eileens shoulder "What do you want some drawing lessons" Xavier put down the paint he had quickly grabbed when the girl had walked in

"I saw that in a vision do you two recognize it" She handed Xavier the paper and Eileen looked at it as she had thing in her arms like a pet "Easy that's the front it gates mansion"

"I pass it when i go running why?" Xavier questioned the girl thing jumped out of her hands and pulled down a sheet that was covering a painting, it revealed a painting of Eileen while she was reading a book completely lost in her little world

Xavier cleared his throat before looking down Eileen walked up to it - Xavier cocked his head to the side as Wednesday left "Listen Lee, when we stopped talking i wanted to forget about you but you where literally everywhere even in my dreams" She stood next to her

"So i started painting and this was the outcome i could hear you humming as you read your books" He made the painting move "I can tell how you get lost in words and the only time i see the real you"

"I have to go, Enid needs me" Eileen walked past him - Enid did not need her she just felt like she was in a lot of pressure everything was going well and she didn't want to let her romantic feelings for the boy interfere


                                           ☾ ─

𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢 speaks
sorry for not updating i've been busy with lots of things

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