"I look for love at first sight..."

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Part 3

At the Q+A place (author pov)

MC : ok welcome to wired and today we have
Bts : bts!
Rm : we also have our new member, y/n!
Mc : so today you are going to be doing a Q+A about the most asked questions
Rm : I remember when we did this before y/n joined, but this one is more about bts since y/n joined so it'll be different
Mc : ok, time to ask the questions! So, y/n what made you want to join bts?
Y/n : well, I wanted to join because I really like music and there was a space extra in bts and I already knew jimin and yoongi before I joined
Mc : so, bts did you want y/n to join?
V : I'm gonna be honest here, I really wanted y/niiie to join, but now she's worse than Jin's uncle jokes. You see that jumper she's wearing
Mc : ye
V : she stole it off me!
Y/n : I said it's cozy, and you stole my pancakes!
Mc : ok, y/n, if you could have a pet, not a cat or dog, what would it be
(Rm had asked the mc to ask this question because it was y/n's birthday soon and the members wanted to surprise her with a pet)
Y/n : I would get a budgie
Mc : why a budgie?
Y/n : because they are so cute, I used to have some when I lived in New Zealand
Mc : ok! Next question. Are you dating yoongi?
Y/n : no! Never eww yaaa he's my cousin!
Mc : /shocked face/ really? Everyone thought you were dating because they saw you going into yoongi's car
Y/n : no I just broke my car, that's all
Mc : /laughed/ well that's something new. We all know how pretty you are, y/n, and someone like you couldn't have not dated anyone, come on tell us
Y/n : umm well, I've dated 2 people
Mc : who? Cmon plzzzz tell
Y/n : well I dated stray kidz's Hyunjin
Mc : really?!
Y/n : yes, but we kept it private because our own reasons, and I've also dated hyungwon from monsta x
Everyone except yoongi and jimin had shocked faces
V : really?
Y/n : ye, even ask Suga
They looked at Suga
Rm : really?
Suga : ye
Mc : so are you still friends with them?
Y/n : yes, actually I'm quite close with them, not like we don't talk
Mc : can I give you a dare?
Y/n : sure
Mc : I dare you to call hyunjin
Y/n : ok
She took out her phone and called him. He picked up.


Y/n : annyeong jinnie
Hyunjin : what's up, y/niiieee
Y/n : nm, I'm in a Q+A, I was dared to call you to show them that we used to date
Hyunjin : really?
Y/n : yes really
Hyunjin : Me and y/n used to date!
Mc : why did you break up?
Hyunjin : because we didn't get to see each other that much
Mc : why? I think you should get back together
Hyunjin : ask y/n
The mc looked at y/n
Y/n : no, I'm too busy for a boyfriend at the moment. Bye jinnie!
Hearing that the mc smirked
Mc in mind : I will make her mine by the end of today
Hyunjin : bye-bye y/niiiee

They cut the call

(Jungkook pov)

I felt jealous, i felt like I wanted her to be mine, and only mine, then I knew what that feeling was, that I get when I'm around her. It was love. I'm in love with y/n.

Author pov

Mc : ok, carry on. Y/n, we heard your singing in the song solo, it was very good, why did you become a rapper and not a singer?
Y/n : well, I like hip hop and rap more and rapping is easier because you don't have all of those high notes and stuff
Mc : do you have a crush?
Y/n : no, no, definitely not
Mc : would you date any bts members?
Y/n : probably not unless I really like them, but I think of them as brothers, not lovers
Mc : y/n did you know how pretty you are?
Y/n : umm ye /flipping her hair sarcastically/
Mc : so you don't have a bf?
Y/n : um- no
Mc : y/n can I date you
Y/n : /shocked/ umm - well um
Mc : your not dating anyone so
Y/n : umm can you ask another question
About 10 mins later
Mc : ok I think we're done here, bye guys
Bts : bye
They left and were about to all go into their cars, when someone grabbed y/n's hand and covered her eyes and dragged her into some room
Y/n : let go of me!
??? : no
Y/n : who are you?!
??? : I will make you mine, just know that y/n
Y/n : tell me who you are!
Suddenly the door swung open, revealing Jungkook, but y/n obviously couldn't see him cause her eyes were covered
Jungkook : let go of her, mc
Mc : I will make her mine first
Y/n : /formed a fist in the hand that wasn't grabbed by the mc, and punched him/ I SAID GET THE HELL OF ME
(oh ye I forgot to say that she had her sling taken off her arm but her cast is still on because the actual bone hasn't healed yet)
she turned round and kicked him, making him buckle down on his knees and he let go of her wrist
Y/n : your such a pervert, you were even trying to flirt with me, you bish Jungkook, let's go
They walked away and in came a police officer who arrested him for multiple sexual harassments, he had changed his name so police couldn't track him, but Jungkook had called them just before he opened the door
Police : you can't run away forever, we have finally caught you

At the dorms

V : y/n, you used to have boyfriends?!
Y/n : yes, I've dated.
V : wow y/n, I thought you would have never even looked at a boy, let alone date one
Y/n : bro I look for love at first sight so I clearly don't need to look somewhere near you. Your more disgusting than Jin's jokes
Jin : yaaa why's everyone targeting my jokes today? Hey yoongi, do you want to hear a knock knock joke?
Yoongi: I don't have a choice, do I
Jin : knock knock
Yoongi : the doors open
Jin : (wtf face)
Y/n received a call from bang pd about 10 minutes later
Jungkook : who is it?
Y/n : pd nim
Jimin : tell us what happens
Y/n : will do


Y/n : annyeong, pd nim
Pd : hello y/n, how was your big day!
Y/n : it was good
Pd : I'm sorry I didn't call yesterday, I was quite busy
Y/n : no, no, it's ok
Pd : do you know who drake is?
Y/n : the famous American singer?
Pd : that's the one!
Y/n : what about him?
Pd : he wants to do a collaboration with you, but it makes you sing with vocals, not rap
Y/n : I'll think about it, is that all
Pd : no, another group, d-block Europe, want you to do a collaboration with them aswell, in a song that their making, called Ferrari horses
Y/n : can I rap?
Pd : yes you will be rapping, but it has quite a lot of swears in
Y/n : oh. Ok I'm not gonna do that one but I'll do the one with drake because I don't actually have many songs.
Pd : also, Eminem wants to do a collab with you
Y/n : really?!
Pd : yes, do you want to do it?
Y/n : yes omo this is the best day of my life!
Pd : ok y/n I need to go, have a nice day, come to my office tomorrow afternoon at 2 so we can discuss it
Y/n : bye!

End of call

Y/n ran to the members with an excited face
Jhope : what happened?
Y/n : I'm doing a collaboration with drake and Eminem!!
Rm : congratulations y/n
Jungkook : party party yeah
Y/n : I'm so happy!
Suga : /gave y/n a hug/ well done lil couz
Y/n : thank you!
Jin : did they need a wwh face for the mv
Y/n : no, instead they needed my wwb face
V : your face isn't beautiful, you look like a dog
Y/n hit v
Y/n : I would rather look like a dog, which are cute, than a donkey, like you!
V : sorry sorry, I was only joking /boxy smile/
Y/n rolled her eyes and pulled a funny face, which made the rest of bts laugh
Jimin : let's go have lunch, I'm hungry
Jin : yes me too, this handsome face shouldn't starve
Y/n : ok! My treat
They all went into their cars and drove to a nearby cafe
(Ok so y/n's car is still broken and she goes in another member's car and so does rm, cause he can't drive
The cafe was a cute, cosy place where y/n used to visit with them when she used to come to see yoongi

Y/n : aaaah I missed this place
Suga : me too
V : I don't, remember that crazy waitress
Y/n : /mischievous grin/ look there she is
She pointed in her direction
V : y/n, don't you eve-
Y/n : unnie!
V : y/n whyyy /whispered/
The other members were just watching them, trying not to laugh
The 'crazy' waitress came over, with a happy smile
Y/n : unnie, v is here!
Waitress : omg, it's v. I missed you, you didn't come to visit me
Trying to sit next to him but he edged away
V : that's because I don't need to visit you
Y/n : why not ? She said, teasing V
Waitress : cmon V, I know you secretly like me too
V : no, I don't, now serve people food, instead of flirting
The Waitrose walked away
Y/n : V, you've finally learned how to talk to obsessive people
She said, patting his back
Jungkook : well done, V
The members laughed


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