"You must at least try if you want her"

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Part 4

At the dorm

Y/n : Guys can anyone drop me off at pd nims office ?
Jungkook :  I need to go because I might do a collaboration with an artist, when do you need to go?
Y/n : I need to be there at 2 so I guess we need to leave at half 1
Jungkook : ok so we got an hour and I need to go at 3 so in the meantime there's a shopping mall and we can go there while each of our meetings are on
Y/n : ok

When she gets dropped off

Jungkook : ok so the shopping mall's just over there /pointed at it/ so when ur meeting is finished just go there and I'll call you when my meeting is over and then we can go get some lunch cause it'll be lunch time by then
Y/n : ok bye
Little did they know, that there were armies who recognised them and secretly taking pics of them
Y/n walked into pd's office, with a mask and cap on.
Pd : y/n !
Y/n : hitman
They fist bumped (they have a friendship like that)
Pd : so, how was your big day?
Y/n : it was good, but there were only dresses, and I hate dresses, so it was a meh
Pd : not surprised
Y/n : you shouldn't be
Pd : anyways let's get back to our talk about the two collabs that your doing
Y/n : ok
Pd : in 3 weeks you'll start your collaboration with Eminem and in one week with drake
Y/n : ok, how long will they take
Pd : both of them will take about 2 weeks each
Y/n : ok so I'll be working on them for 4 weeks altogether, starting next week
Pd : yes
Y/n : I'm just taking a mental note of that
Pd : ok
About half an hour later
Pd : this meeting was shorter than I expected, y/n do you need a lift home?
Y/n : no, thank you I'm going to the shopping mall
Pd : be careful, make sure your bodyguard is with you
Y/n : don't worry, I'm fine

At the shopping mall

Y/n : ahh I really want to have some kimchi stew and bulgogi right now
??? : don't worry, we'll get it after my meeting
Y/n turned around with her hand formed into a fist, a centre meter away from the persons race, but put her hand back down when she saw Jungkook
Y/n : yaaa you scared me
Jungkook : when most girls get scared they move away and hide, but you were about to punch me, you scared me forget me scaring you
Y/n : sorry /gummy smile/
Jungkook bunny smiled
Jungkook : come on we have half an hour and then I need to go to my meeting
Y/n and Jungkook raced each other to the Lois Vuitton shop, but y/n slipped and almost fell when someone caught her. Ikr this is getting a bit boring it's obviously gonna be Jungkook. WRONG. It was someone else. Y/n turned round and when she saw the person, she gave him a big hug
Y/n : jinnie!
Hyunjin : y/nieee!
When Jungkook realised that y/n wasn't next to him, he turned around to see y/n and hyunjin together

Jungkook pov

I felt jealous, I'm not going to deny it. I thought it was a mere crush, but I keep slowly realising how much I like her. I want her to be mine. The only thing is is that im scared. If I tell her that I like her, then she might not like me back, or even worse, we might not have the same friendship that we have now. I really like y/n and it makes me jealous seeing her with another guy. I mean not jealous but weak, like I can't do anything about it except the thing I don't want to do, tell her.

Author pov

Jungkook walked over to hyunjin and y/n and gave a bunny smile
Jungkook : annyeong!
Hyunjin : annyeong, I'm hyunjin, from stray kidz
They were talking for a few minutes when hyunjin said that he needs to go back to his house or something
Jungkook : tell bangchan that I said hi!
Hyunjin : ok bye!
He walked off
Jungkook : where shall we go?
Y/n : can we go to celine, I need to get a birthday present for my mum
Jungkook : ok
They went to the shop and looked around, almost unnoticeable because of the caps and masks they were wearing, but a fan noticed them and took pictures of them together and posted them online. There were now multiple photos online of Jungkook and y/n together in shops and in his car and stuff, making it worse, they were alone. Basically in other words, I'm not spoiling it cause I made this story and also you'd probably expect it to happen unless ur dumb (no offence) but y/n and Jungkook are bound to get shipped with each other.
They then went outside because it was almost time for Jungkook's meeting. Y/n shivered because of the coldness and she wasn't wearing a jacket either.
Jungkook : are you cold?
Y/n : no I'm fine
Jungkook : your obviously not you look like your about to freeze
He took off his jacket and gave it to y/n. Fans saw and took pictures and they were all wondering about the relationship between Jungkook and y/n.

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