"But there are hundreds of mountains infront of it."

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Part 7

Day of the concert

So, it's about 3 days later from when y/n was discharged from the hospital. It's now the day of the concert and y/n's arm still hurts but the wound has very slightly closed up so now blood won't escape anymore.

They one by one came up onto the stage, y/n coming up last. Armies immediately noticed the wound on her shoulder and began to worry like mad. They performed their songs but y/n didn't dance. Of course this didn't go without noting either and it made armies even more worried. Some even began to cry as they noticed the pain that she was feeling in her arm. The concert was finally over after around two hours and now it was time to give each of their speeches. Y/n's was first.
Y/n : annyeong!
Armies : annyeong!
Y/n : you're probably wondering about this. /points to shoulder/
Armies : tell us, y/n!
Y/n : well, it might seem a bit blatant, but I got stabbed.
Some armies gasped while some just stood there with a shocked expression.
Y/n : guys, I am fine now, but I this has made me realise something
Armies : what?
Y/n : A hill on the road overwhelms us. But there are hundreds of mountains in front of it.

Y/n ended her speech with that one quote, leaving armies inspired, but curious about what was going on. It was now Jungkook's turn to give his speech.

Jungkook : armies! I really love all of you. But promise me one thing.
Armies : Ooh what?
Jungkook : Don't lose the people beside you because of your mistakes and wrongs.
Armies thoughts : what the hell is going on?
Armies could tell something was going on when an army which was right at the front of the crowd stated what everyone else had thought.
Army : did you two fight or something?
Jungkook : we did, and were friends again
Army : then why is there so much tension?
Jungkook : actually, I don't know tbh
Army : why did you two fight?
Jungkook : because I betrayed her /leaned down/
Just then y/n came up behind him and said something.
Y/n : I can handle anything, but not betrayal /jumping on his back/
Jungkook : you're so light
Y/n : no I'm not
Jungkook : yes you are
Y/n : no.
Jungkook : aish you don't believe me. You're lighter than Suga hyung
Y/n : I'm not
Jungkook : whatever
Y/n : /pulled funny face/
They didn't notice that everyone was literally staring at them, secretly shipping them.
The rest of the members gave their speeches and they all walked off the stage.
V : what was that about /smirking/
Y/n : what
V : you and Jungkook
Y/n : he kept telling me that I was too light and I weigh less than Suga!
Jungkook : no, I said you were light not too light!
Y/n : no you didn't!
Jungkook : yes i did!
Y/n : I know what I heard you told me that I was too light!
Jungkook : I think you need hearing aids, I didn't say that!
Y/n : no! I don't want hearing aids cause you're mouth is so loud I can hear you without them!
Jungkook : then why didn't you hear me!
Y/n : I did ! You said I was too light!
V thought : aish they fight like a married couple
It had been about ten minutes and everyone had left except some staff who was still preparing to go home, and also v and jimin who were secretly planning something. Jk and y/n were still arguing 😂 .
Y/n : I'm telling you that I am not light!
Jungkook : and I'm telling you that I just said you're light not that you're too light!
Y/n : I heard what you said and I know you said that I was too light!

On the other side

V : okay go over the plan again
Jimin : /palm slaps head/ aish, okay we tell the staff that they can go, and that we will lock up, but we will lock y/n and Jungkook in the same room until our concert tomorrow
V : wait where will we lock them?
Jimin : there's a swimming pool two rooms away, I think, we'll lock them there
V : why is there even a swimming pool here?
Jimin : this place is like some multi purpose thing I think
V : how will we get them there?
Jimin : oh. I didn't think of that.
V : why don't we just tell them to go there?
Jimin : that actually might work
V : see I am smart
Jimin : /wth face/
V : whatever I know I am smart so I am smart
Jimin : let's just do the plan
V : I am smart though
Jimin : yes you are very smart /thumbs up/
V : let's just do the plan
Jimin : seriously
He was waiting for an answer from v but he had already gone to jk and y/n
Jk : I am just saying that you are light no-
V : guys come look
Jimin : /panting from running to them/ yes there is a really cool swimming pool
Y/n : why do we need to see that?
Jimin : cause it looks cool
Y/n : how does a swimming pool look cool?
V : It just is
Jimin : it glows up
Y/n : huh
Jimin : it glows up! Let's go see it
Y/n : umm ok

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