A calm night in

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I got on the bus and sat at the back and checked the time. It was 7:25, wow, we really had been talking a long time.

I looked out the bus window and looked at the houses that passed by, it was pitch black, other than the obvious lamp posts illuminating the streets.

As the buss approached my street pressed the button to let the driver know I was hoping off.

"Thanks Cheryl." I thanked the bus driver.

"No problem Andy, get home safe before your mom starts to worry.

I gave her a agreeing nod and hopped off and walked down my street, I was on hour late to dinner, my mom wasn't going to be thrilled.

I opened the door and there my mom was arms crossed and tapping her foot in disapproval.

"What're you have to say for yourself young man, it's 8:00, normally I wouldn't mind but you promised to be home at 5;00!"

I lowered my head in shame. "Sorry mom. I got carried away."

"Looks like someone's in trouble." My two older siblings annoyingly piped up.

My mom starred daggers at them warning them now wasn't the time and they ran to go watch tv in the living room.

"Twins.." she mumbled as usual then they annoyed her.

Then  her gaze turned onto mine.

"We'll talk about it later, go sit down and I'll grab you your tea." She said kissing my head. 

"Yes mom." a said walking into the living room slumping into dad's armchair.

"You we're out late." My older sister announced.

"Yeah, did you get distracted by a boy or a girl by chance?"my older brother chimed in.

"Ha! like I'd do that." I said taking chocolate milk out of my bag and taking a swig of it. "Mum would kill me, then dad would bring me back to life and rant to me for a few hours."

"Your not wrong." They agreed as we watched a show about a English high school gay romance. It was rather good.

"Here you go honey." My mom said passing me a plate of chicken tenders and fries.

She also sneakily threw my siblings a packet of crisps each.

"Dads home at 9 so you get that seat till 9 Andy."

"Yes! Okay mom!" I smiles at her while returning my gaze to watch the show.


After about an hour my siblings have gone to bed and my dad walks in.

"Hey kiddo!" He says ruffling my hair.

"Hey dad! How was today."

"The usual, safety practice, fire drills, routine checks, the lab was awfully dull this weekend."

"At least no one is being an idiot." I say getting up from the chair.

My dad smiled and kisses me on the head. "Go for a bath and head to bed, I'll distract your mom enough so you can stay on your phone until 11." He told me.

I nodded and rushed upstairs and then heard my parents kissing. Gross.

I walk in my bedroom and turn the light on and grab a bunch of towels so I'm able to go for a shower. I turn on my bathroom light on and hop in the shower and relax into the hot water.

After my shower I walk into my room and curl up into my bed and start to watch YouTube on my phone until I drift to sleep.

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