Back to the cottage

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I worke up early and goes dressed and grabbed a slice of toast for breakfast. After leaving the house I head off back to the old house hoping juniper would still be there.

The breeze was rather refreshing today the best weather for hoodies. The birds were chirping and the sun was rising.

After about an hour of walking I arrived back at the old house. I opened the door and Juni wasn't there yet. I just decided to wait in the spot that I left the journal.

As I walked up the staircase anxiety prickled my blood. What if she took it. What if her kindnesses wad a roos- I opened the door and the journal was in the same spot as last time.

"I'm glad you kept your word." Juni's word spoke as she entered the room.

"I'm return I will keep mine."

Then it hit me. Maybe just maybe I could scour the journal and find the answer on how to free the trapped magic.
And maybe if I teach them how to decrepit it I would be able to learn magic along the way.

I looked up at Juniper and took a deep breath before making my proposition.

"Juniper- Juni-...I have a that concerns the journal."

Juni raised her eyebrow. "And? That is?" She puzzled.

"If I help you decrypt the journal and free the encased magic curse...if you teach me magic along the way?"

As the words slipped my mouth Juniper burst into hysterics, she laughed so hard she had to cradle her rib cage.

"You?! A human learn magic?!"

My nose scrunched u and I balled my fists in annoyance, why does she think she can say things like that.

"So? My great grandfather learnt it!"

"Danial stole the sacred scrolls and did unspeakable things in order to complete his work kid.
he cheated his way into magic instead of letting magic choose him, besides, humans don't have magical ability, it's just not how it's done."

"That's what everyone says! Yet look at all the fairytales that say that! We still overcome that challenge and face it head on! Forget it."

I began to storm out but I felt her hand wrap around my arm and yank me backwards.

"Those are fairytales kid...but...I suppose we could try. And maybe, just maybe, if you have a good heart the magic will choose you."

"You don't have to lie." I scoffed.

I've always wanted to learn magic. Ever since I was a kid, I took a deep breath and looked up at Juni who had an almost emotionless expression an her face.

"I'm not lying kid, I'm giving you a chance, let's go to the garden And go for a quick stroll, then we am an talk about it properly."

I reluctantly followed her and we walked into the back garden that was filled with wild vines and shrub, there was also a bunker at the end of the garden.

She walked over to a fence at the edge of the grounds and opened it and revealed as passage to a narrow alleyway.

She gestured her hand for me to go first and I skittishly entered.

"Don't worry it's safe." She assured me picking up on old torch off the floor.

We walked in silence for the first few minutes, I scared of what she was going to say.

"Magic is a dangerous thing, I'm not the right person to teach you kid."

My face turned and I looked ether ground. I was rather hoping to learn.

"Hey!" She snapped her fingers in my face and shone the torch in my eyes.

"I said I couldn't teach you, I didn't say no one could, that's why I'm taking you to talk to an old friend. Now zip it while I figure out where to go."

I smiled and looked forward, maybe I was going to learn after all! I always new magic was real! Ever since I could see the spirits.

My grandma was wrong after all. I'm not insane, I'm just different.

I took in my surroundings. The alleyway was made up of two cobblestone walls. And long black trees grew up the walls as the roots sprouted through the cracks.

We came to a quintet little dome like cottage with big circular windows and a bike out front.
Juniper walked up to the the door and banged he'd fist on it.

"Oi Madeleine! Open the door!" She bellowed.

"Ahh!" A shocked voice yelped and angry footsteps approached the door followed by the door swinging wide open.

"Juni! A warning next time would be much appreciated! You scared the fairydust out of me!"

"Oop! Someone's angry~" junipers voice said in a teasing manner.

'ew. Was she flirting with her? Oh-' then it clicked in my head...she's a lesbian.

"I'm not angry!" Madeleine's face grew red in frustration. "I just don't appreciate it when you bang and scream like that Juni, it scares me."

"Sorry mads, I need a favor, I seem to have found the culprit of our little magic mishap.

Madeleine's gaze turned onto mine and her expression became shocked. "Juni...where did this teenager come from?"

"He opened the book, turns out its now 2022 and there Danial's great grandson."

"Danial is- oh great stars..." she let out a sigh and looked up. "Come in, and Juni wipe your feet, stars know what you've been stepping in."

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