The alcemist.

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As we stepped inside the cottage it was filled with bottles and alchemy equipment.

"Watch your head on the bottles kid." Madeleine reminded me as I stepped inside.

It looked like nothing more that a quaint little cottage on the outside but on the inside it had about five rooms and a ladder leading up the the attic.

There were bottles and scrolls everywhere. Some were even tied to the walls and ceiling with hand woven rope making the bottles hang down creating the affects of chandeliers and wind chimes.

"Mind the mess." She spoke up. "I apologise I didn't know Juniper here was going to bring you."

She started franticly picking up all the books scrolls and bottles but all the added wait made her lose her balance.

"Here let me help." Jasmine offered taking the things from her arms and placing them on a nearby shelf.

" two know each other?" I chirped up awkwardly.

"Yes, me and Juni have a past." Madeleine replied. "Now how did you meet her kid, and everyone sit down."

She snapped the fingers and three chairs pulled out from the table and she sat down.

Me and juniper sat next to each other and I began to talk.

"Yesterday I went to visit my great gra- Danials old home and as I was about to leave the old study a book fell of the filing cabinet.
I opened it, read the first entry I saw then she appeared." I gestured my thumb at Juniper.

The alchemist sighed and stood up rubbing the sides of her eyes in frustration.

"Juni I told you not to go looking to see who opened the journal! That if it was a government member! Or the police! You could have gotten yourself dissected! And now you've dragged this poor kid into it!"

Juniper looked at me then grabbed Madeleines arm and dragged her into the next room from where muffled bickering could be heard for the next several minutes.

As they bickered a beautiful white cat with two different coloured eyes jumped onto the table. I saw she had an object in her mouth and I gently took it.

I inspected the object further and it had been journal in her mouth! Luckily it had remained open.

"How on earth did you get this?!" I inquired the cat stupidly. The feline just tilted her head and began to lick her paw.

I turned my gaze back to the journal. Maybe, just maybe there's an answer in her.

I opened the book and flipped to a random entry, not prepared for what I was about to read.

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