A new entry

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I looked at the book and read aloud in a quietened tone:

May 29th 1937
Today was rather rough day,
My attempts at free the magic from this journal have once again been tarnished.
I'm growing tiered of trying.
I'm tired.

Everyone is tired, especially Poor June, she spent all night taking care of her 'friend' Madeleine and searching for a way to free her people.

I feel so much guilt,
June never deserved this pain.
Non of them did.
I'm going to get them home.

There's a book in the fairies village, I believe that may have the power that can lead to the way to release the magic back into our world safely.

The only problem the fairies no longer trust me, see they're one of the few who can still be around when the book is closed.

The fairies fled to Scotland after I broke they're trust in fear I'd finish my work.

I don't know where but I believe Edinburgh is where they're population lies.

Be safe Adam.

Love dad. X

My mouth slacked open and My eyes started feeling like they were on fire. "Edinburgh?! How am I supposed to go all the way to Scotland?!"

At that Madeline and June rushed out to check on me.

"What about Scotland?" Madeline inquired.

"You brought the book with you?! We had a truce! Tssk! What else should I expect from a putrid child!" She snapped snatching the book from my hands.

I grabbed her wrist to stop the book from closing. "Wait! I didn't mean to! The cat brought it here!"

June looked at the cat. "Ghost, is this childling telling the truth?" She questioned in a half assed tone.

Yo my surprise the cat nodded. It actually nodded!

"Well." Juniper started, turning to face me."my humble apologies, I miss lead my thoughts based on emotions."

I smiled trying to be understanding. "It's okay, people do it all the time."

"I suggest you go home young one, we can't take a child with us without a parents knowledge along side there approval." Madeline said with care.

"But I-"

"Kid- it was nice meeting you but Scotland is to far away, plus I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt."

"Please! I've been to Scotland before! My dad works up there! Sure he lives in Glasgow. But I can help!"

"No, go home and rest, give me the book. This is to much for a child to handle." She held her hand out firmly.

"Okay..." I said handing her the book.

I stood up and walked out the door.


I turned around questioning her and she made her way over to me.

"Meet us at the old tavern by dawn tomorrow, if I have changed my mind you can tag along."

My eyes lit up and I had to physically stop myself from bouncing from my sheer excitement.

"You got it June! It was nice meeting you Madeline."

"Get home safe." Al alchemist warned. "To nights a full moon, werewolves are the rarer kind, but they don't cease to exist."

"Yes mam." I said turning round and heading home.

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