Legend at the tavern.

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At the tavern June was there talking to the bartender, he was a ghost to but could manifest as a person, he was one of the lucky ones.

"Hey Duke."

"Hey Andy-" he looked up to see my siblings and smiled at me affectionately.

"Now look at that, I told you they wouldn't mind, you owe us an air horn so I can scare those scamps that keep tagging my bar."

I nodded with a smile and found Juniper's table and proceeded sit down next to her and my siblings filled my actions.

They both looked shaken up, like they couldn't believe what they were seeing, reminded me of my first time here.

June turned to me and gave me a Blake stare. "Your late, not a good impression, and who are these two?"

Brodie straightened his spine and cleared his throat. "Where Andy's siblings mam, my name is Brodie and this is my sister Lilith. We came to keep Andy safe."

Lilith gazed at both of them. "I'm glad, I wanted family to accompany them, you may come along as long as you three are safe. I don't want you getting hurt- and dragging us behind, you can walk it off."

Madeline looked up from her book and and smiled.

"Awwww! Is the big bad dragon warming up her heart?"

Juni just rolled her eyes and pushed Madeline's face away.

"Are you sure you want to join us."

"And get out of dingy old England, yes please." Brodie half joked.

"Hey!" Duke said offended "England isn't that bad."

My brother then yanked me sleeve and questioned. "You see the ghost dude too right?"

I laughed and nodded at him which made him lower his guard around duke a little.

Juniper then pulled a map out and spread it across the table. It was an old map of Scotland, looked about two hundred years old.

"We need to go here." Juniper stated pointing to one of fifteen stars on the map."The castle of Edinburgh, hopefully there are still a few fairies in the garden, use to be a whole populations there in the forties, there will be an guardian fairy there to guide us to were the book is. We best head off now. You still up for coming?"

"We'll can you even read the journal?" I said smirking.

"Of course I can you foolish child! It's just your the only one who can actually read this dunces handwriting, and you can decrepit his meanings a lot better."

I smirked more. "so you actually need me to come one this quest."

"Don't test my patience kid, I woke up with a migraine, and yes, we actually could use your help."

I smiled and squealed. "I won't let you down!" I say standing up.

"Your not the only one on the quest kid." Melanie reminded me. "Just remember to stick with us and you'll be fine."

"I can't believe we're doing this." June muttered and stormed out.

Melanie looked at all three of us and gave a warming smile. "Juniper isn't very use to being around children, plus she usually likes to do stuff like this on her own."

"Ah It's fine." I get it Lilith reassured her. "I get like this when I have to deal with the year sevens when I'm helping teachers out. Your not if Madeline if I haven't been mistaken?"

"Yes, but you can call me Maddy."

They continued to talk as they walked out of the door.

"Nerds." My brother chuckled as we walked out the door together.

"We're all nerds Brodie." I reminded him as we walked out of the door and headed to the train station.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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