Chapter 3: Mobius

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As Loki and Ellinor were in an intense staring match, Mobius came in the door.

"Miss Howlett, I have the reports you wanted."

"Thank you, Mobius. Why don't you take Loki to grab some lunch. He could use a meal." Ellinor Howlett said as she took the reports from Mobius and sat back into her chair.

"Are you going to join us, Miss Howlett?" Loki asked, smirking

"Not at the moment, Loki. You go run off with Mobius for a little bit. I'll catch up in a bit." Ellinor said, smirking back and returning to her papers.

Loki walked out with Mobius to the lunch line. Loki was a little lost in thought.

"Something on your mind?" Mobius asks, mainly to make polite conversation but he genuinely wanted to know what was going on.

"It's about Miss Howlett... does she act strange around you?"

"Miss Howlett the very cocky, arrogant, investigator that always gets the cool jobs? Her being weird? She seems to be the golden child around here." Mobius said as he grabs a salad from the salad bar.

"I think she is just putting up a front, Mobius. She is trying to act tough." Loki grabs a salad too.

"But she always gets the toughest jobs done. So she isn't all bark."  Mobius grabs a turkey sandwich.

"She has magic, Mobius." Loki grabs a ham sandwich.

"She has what?"

"And she has used it here in the TVA. Which if your TVA is like the TVA I was in, I couldn't even use any of my magic."

Mobius blinked in disbelief as he grabbed a little bag of chips.

"You saw this happen?" Mobius grabs a soda.

"With my own eyes." Loki grabs a little bag of chips and a water.

"Why don't we sit in the corner over there." Mobius guides Loki to a table with a couple chairs so they can eat their lunch. Then Mobius collected himself and whispers to Loki.

"You saw Miss Howlett use magic here in the TVA?"

"Yes I did. I'm not lying. I swear."

"I didn't think a witch could use her magic here. We have the infinity stones here and they don't do anything. So how is she able to use her magic?" Mobius wonders as he bites into his sandwich.

"I'm not sure but she also had a glowing stone on her necklace."

"She is hiding a lot, Loki... we should find her file."

"But how can we find her file?"

"We have her last name. So that gets us somewhere."

"Alright. Then let's go!" Loki grabs a hold of Mobius and drags him away from his sandwich.

"Can it be after lunch?"

"Lunch can wait." Loki said as he takes Mobius to the Library. They sneak into the files together.

"Howlett... hmmm. No Howlett, Loki. That's odd."

"Well maybe she has a different last name?"

"Maybe? We don't know her first name though..." Mobius sighed as he pushed the cabinet drawer shut.

"Ellinor. Ellinor Howlett. She told me during our mission today." Loki smirked and Mobius laughed.

"Wait. Her name is Ellinor? Ellinor Howlett sounds like she is some granny that lives in Leave It To Beaver Land."

"I think Ellinor is a pretty name. It's Norse."

"Yeah okay, I guess you have to be partial to that." Mobius is still snickering a little.

"Well, hello there boys. Found anything funny in the files?" Ellinor appears behind them, her green eyes sharp as daggers.

Mobius turns white as a sheet and turns to Ellinor.

"Um no. A Loki just told me a funny joke is all. Go ahead and tell it, Loki!"

"I um well... what do you call an alligator in a vest?"

Ellinor rolled her eyes. "An investigator, so original..."

"But you have to admit it is funny."

"Not the time for jokes you two. My office, now." And Loki alongside Mobius followed Ellinor to her office.

She shut the door after they came in and locked it.

"Loki, I swore you to secretcy. You lied like every Loki does. After I let you know some of my own personal life."

"Ellie, I am sorry but I trusted Mobius in my reality so I feel like I can trust this one. You can open up to him too."

"You betrayed me!"

"But I didn't tell the whole TVA about you."

"You may as well have. Mobius. You cannot let anyone know about my secrets, you hear me?"

Mobius looked at Ellinor who had pretty much green flames in her eyes.

"Yes, ma'am." and Ellinor looked at Loki.

"I'm the most hurt by what you have done. Do not tell another soul about me. Especially here."

"Yes, Ellie." She sat down and tried to collect herself.

"What were you two doing in the employee files?"

"We were just trying to find an employee's file." Mobius decided to talk first.

"Real smooth, Mobius. What employee?" Ellinor smirked at Mobius and Loki looked at Ellinor.

"We were looking for yours." Loki decided to tell it straight.

"Mine? You don't trust me?"

"It's not that at all, Ellinor."

"That's what it sounds like, Loki. You don't trust me."

"How can I trust you? You seem so secretive all the time."

"We are not going to argue right here and right now. You two are going on a mission with me. I need you two to be my teammates for this." Ellinor said as she stood up from her chair.

"What's the mission?" Mobius asked

Ellinor took a deep breath then let it out.

"This mission is not going to be easy, and it would be really helpful with a couple people."

"And why would that be?" Loki asked, curious on why she would need them both.

"Well I need someone to sneak around while we become the distraction, Loki. This mission can take us one step closer to finding your way home."  Ellinor looked at Loki genuinely. Her eyes softened from their green flames.

"Are you serious? This can help me?"

"I promised I would help you, even though you did try to sneak around and find my file." Ellinor took out her tempack.

"Mobius, you will be searching around the ball for a man in a wheel chair. You will know it when you see him. Loki and I have our own event that needs to occur at the same time. Meet near the bathrooms at 11 o'clock." And the portal opens to a brilliant ballroom filled many interesting people.

"What is this place?" Loki asks as he transforms his clothing to a elegant tuxedo.

"Welcome to the Hellfire Gala, the gala where all the mutants and non mutants can celebrate mutant culture." Ellinor said as she tranforms her clothing into a beautiful yellow ball gown.

"Wait... you mean we are here with the X-Men?" Mobius asked.

"Yes we are. So be careful. We cannot raise any suspicion that we are here."

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