Chapter 7: The Loop Hole

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Loki and Mobius ran off in their new invisible forms to try and find Ellinor's file that can hopefully answer questions about her past.

Ellinor slid down the door as she waited for someone to come by to make her escape. Meanwhile, Hunter B-42 was guarding the door.

Ellinor was used to the cold now, though she was still shivering once in awhile. She started to just focus on something else for the time being.

She decided to focus on the time she found her loop hole.


It was a normal day in the office when she was a young case worker. She would go with investigators and help them with problematic time lines. This is where she learned how timelines functioned. Her mentor was a charismatic cajun man with short dark brown hair. He had the same build as Mobius but was a little more muscular. He always got the big cases that no one figured out. He was known for his work for the TVA and all the ladies would just fall over for him when he walked by. When Ellinor became his mentee, most of the girls got jealous.

"You get to spend all of your time with him! What's so special about you?" They said as they talk to her at the cafeteria when he was not at the table with Ellinor.

"The higher ups assigned me with him. So stop bugging me." Ellinor would tell them right back and then her mentor would show up and the girls walked away.

"Why do those girls always bug you, cher?"

"I don't know, Louis. Probably because all of them want a piece of you." Ellinor said as she would sit there eating her lunch with her mentor.

"Well, you are way more talented than any of them. So don't let them bother you."

"I don't let it bother me, it's just annoying. I know I am way more talented than those twits in skirts."

"Now now, don't become a negative Nancy."

"You know those girls are catty as hel."

"I know but you do not need to stoop to their level, cher."

Ellinor would nod and then got back to her food, putting some sugar into her tea.

She then took a big swig of her drink and spat it out. The sugar was not sugar, it was salt. Those girls had swapped the sugar for salt at the table.

This got Ellinor really mad to the point she decided to use magic in the lunch room.

At the time, she didn't know that she could use her magic in the TVA. She thought all magic was blocked. When she recited a spell in her head she made all the milk cartons spoil. When the girls took a drink out of their milk they spat it out and ran off screaming and gagging.

Ellinor laughed to herself and Louis was puzzled.

"What did you just do, cher?"

Ellinor blinked a couple times and looked back at Louis.

"Oh, karma is what happened. Nothing you should worry about."

"You used your magic, didn't you?"

"You know that magic can't be used in the TVA." Ellinor laughed and then Louis looked at her, concerned.

"Cher, I'm serious. Did you actually use your magic here?"

Ellinor rolled her eyes.

"And what if I did?"

"Then that means that you would be a threat to the multiverse. The council could terminate you." Louis said as he looked at his mentee with worried eyes.

Ellinor nodded and smiled.

"I found a loop hole, Louis."

"Yes, but you need to keep it under wraps, cher. I don't want to lose you."

Ellinor nodded again and looked back at Louis, sincerely.

"I know. I don't want to lose you either, Louis."


When Hunter B-42 came back from guarding the door, she released Ellinor out of the cold chamber.

"B-42, do you remember Louis?" Ellinor asked as she left the chamber.

"Yeah. I do. He was your old mentor, right? Before you became the big shot investigator to replace him."

"Yeah. I miss him. He was a good man."

"He was... you know he would be here if he could to help you too. You two were very close." She said as she prepared Ellinor.

"Yeah..." Ellinor trailed off, thinking about her mentor and what he did for her.

"I wonder if I will see him show up in my file."

"Probably. He was your mentor back in the day."

Ellinor nodded as she walked with Hunter B-42 to the interrogation room and snuck her inside.

"I'll stand out and wait for the boys to get back." Hunter B-42 said.

Ellinor nodded again as she sat down in the chair waiting for Loki and Mobius to find her file.

As she sat there, she started to think about Louis. She hadn't thought about him for a long time. That was the first person who showed her kindness in the TVA. He treated her like a person, not just a trainee.


When Ellinor was at his desk one time, Louis described to her what a loop hole was.

"There is always a loop hole somewhere, but finding it is always tricky, cher."

"Life is not like a contract, Louis."

"That's where you are thinking too much. Loop holes are the things in life where we find a rule and some how bend it in our favor. Take for instance these time lines we fix. We are bending them to fit our needs. Thus we are the loop hole creators you and I. Investigators are the people who take advantage of the situations they are in to benefit the multiverse. Most of the times we keep the timelines they way they are or at least solidify them. Sometimes we destroy them if they are too risky."

"Once you explain it that way, Louis. That does make more sense."

"There you go, cher! You are getting it! You will one day become a great investigator like me. And I can't wait to see you rise to it." Louis said as he smiled at Ellinor across his desk.

That same day Ellinor was curious about why Louis talked to her the way he did.

"So why do you call me cher? It means dear in French but I'm confused why you would refer to me like that."

"Ellie, I only use that word with people I believe are family to me. Cajuns use that term as dear just like you said but it's a term of endearment. It doesn't have to be the romantic meaning."

"Oh. Well maybe that's why the girls think I'm keeping you away from them."

Louis just laughed and Ellinor smiled.

"Don't worry about those silly girls, Ellie. You focus on your missions and training with me. You will make a fine investigator, cher."

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