Chapter 5: Scenes From Memories

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"I did what I had to do to get some of my memories back, Mobius. You don't know what it is like to not know who you are." Ellinor said, her eyes watering.

"This means that the TVA are coming and are going to destroy this timeline." Mobius said, freaking out at the situation.

"I had to do this. I've tried so many times and I've never succeeded. I have finally found the perfect timeline and the perfect people to help me. I want to know who I am and why I'm even at the TVA." Ellinor said, her eyes going back and forth between Mobius and Loki.

"Loki, you have to understand what I mean. Aren't you glad you know your life?"

Loki looked at Ellinor, her sad eyes shown a very vulnerable child, hidden inside a twenty or so year old's body.

"Go for it Ellinor." Loki smiled

Mobius on the other hand was in a panic.

"Okay fine, but the TVA is going to show up and blow up this timeline."

"I know. That's why I need you two to distract them."

"The X-Men will also help, Ellinor. But before we go for this plan of yours. I need to let you know something." The Professor interjected.

"I cannot bring all of your memories back. Maybe some fragments, but not them all. You will need to figure out the rest."

"I understand. At this point, even if I got a second of my childhood back, I would be happy." Ellinor said, looking at Loki then at Mobius.

"So... how long will this take?" Loki asked, making sure to scan the environment with his eyes.

"Not too long, Loki. Though it does depend on what mental blocks there are. We will get there though." The Professor said as he motioned Ellinor to sit in front of him.

"You will have to protect me, in case it gets ugly downstairs. I will be in a vulnerable state." Ellinor said as she sat down, cross legged and her head right by the Professor's hands.

Loki nodded and looked to Mobius. Mobius nodded and made sure to scan for environment for anything suspicious.

Ellinor entered a lucid state where her eyes were closed and her mind was being rewound in time. She was starting to see memories, like watching her life on a screen. There were only bits and pieces of memories. Little clips of her childhood. Little bits of her memories of her family. All just little snippets, nothing had a full picture.

One figure was prominent in her memories. A man with magical powers. His hands glowed green. He gave her that green necklace she wears. His face was never clear though, as if she never saw his face.

"Ellinor. Make me proud." Was all he said. Her emotions started to flood in her memories, enveloping her in pure need of wanting to know who this person was.

"Ellinor. We need to get out of here!" Is what she heard. She was snapped back into reality, Loki reaching for her hand. The Professor finished his dive into Ellinor's memories and looked down at her. She looked up at him.

"I hope I helped you enough to find who you are. Now, you should go. We will all be okay here." The Professor smiled at her and Ellinor gave him a hug, groggily but genuinely.

"I will never forget this. Thank you."

And Loki grabbed her shoulder. She was off balance and was about to fall. Loki caught her.

"Protect her, Loki. Her mind is still reeling and she will be out of it for a bit."

Loki nodded and looked down at Ellinor, her eyes held the innocent look of a child. I'm this moment, Loki looked at Ellinor not as an odd woman he met that was very suspicious, but a woman who had to grow up too fast for her own good. He sympathized with her.

"Thank you for helping her." Loki said and the Professor nodded.

"She is your key to finding your way back, Loki. You just need to trust her. She is just a child who was forced to grow up way too fast."

Loki nodded again, holding Ellinor close.

"Loki! Let's go! Those charges are being placed." Mobius ran over to Loki.

"I got Ellinor. Get that Tempack and let's book it." Loki said as he carried Ellinor.

Mobius took the Tempack and tried to program it back to the TVA. He punched in the coordinates but it didn't want to work.

"What's the hold up, Mobius?!" Loki asked as some of the TVA agents were running up the stairs after a woman with brown and white hair.

"Don't cha know it's impolite to run after a lady?" She said as she ran up the stairs, something in her hands that the TVA agent was trying to grab.

"That's a Tempack! We need it!" Loki said as the woman ran closer to the Professor.

"Professor, you said you needed this little old thing?"

"Yes, Rogue. For our new friends over here." And Rogue nodded and tried to hand it to Loki and Mobius but the agent ran up and tackled her.

"Varients..." was all the agent said and she looked up at Loki, Mobius, and Ellinor.

"You are all in big trouble now." And she took the Tempack and went to try capture them.

Loki handed Ellinor off to Mobius and took out his daggers.

"Seems like you are the one in trouble." And he ran towards her.

She blocked his dagger jabs and the Tempack flew across the floor. Mobius tried to run over and catch it but with Ellinor in his hands, it was hard to grab it.

The agent battling Loki tried to get him with the banishment tool. Loki dodged with the best of his ability.

Suddenly, a man with metal claws came up and cut the stick apart.

"Using those toys isn't fair, bub."

Loki looked at the man that helped him out. He must have been the real Logan. He looked exactly like the man Ellinor impersonated.

"Are those claws real?" Loki asked, puzzled by this man.

"As real as the hair on your head." Logan answered back, a cigar hanging from his mouth.

"You better get that girl out of here. The Professor seems to be worried about her." Logan said as he stood next to Loki, ready to fight this battle.

"Thank you."

"Anything for my niece from a different multiverse or whatever. The Professor was trying to explain it and I half listened." And with that, Logan went to battle with the agent, allowing Loki to run to grab the Tempack and take it to Mobius.

Mobius handed Ellinor back to Loki and tried to program the coordinates to the TVA.

He successfully opened a portal and went to step in.

Loki and Ellinor were about to go in too but she looked up at Loki and then to Logan.

"Thank you, Logan and Charles..." and then Loki went into the portal.

As Mobius, Loki, and Ellinor went through the portal, they were met with several TVA agents, pointing the banishment sticks at them.

"Ellinor Howlett, Mobius M. Mobius, and the mysterious variant. You are under arrest by the TVA. You have the right to remain silent."

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