Chapter 4: The Hellfire Gala

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Ellinor helped Mobius with a suit and had him start searching for the man in the wheel chair.

"Loki, we just need to keep and eye out. So I say we should dance around with the crowd over there to keep an eye on things." Ellinor said as she grabs a hold of Loki's arm.

"Ellinor. You have lots of explaining to do about how any of this reflects on my current situation."

"Then let's dance and talk. I'll tell you what you want to know." She took her hand off of Loki and offered it to him. He smirked and led her to the dance floor gracefully.

They started to dance around and around as the music swelled in the building. Mutants and non Mutants getting along for once.

"So what is your first question?"

"What's that green stone that you hide?"

"It's a magical stone that has some of my father's magic inside before I was taken away from him. This is the only thing left I have of him."  Ellinor said as she tried to hide her sadness.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dig up past trauma." Loki said, looking at her sad eyes.

"It's okay. Eventually I will find him again. He might be close. But I'm not sure anymore." She looked at him, hoping he would smile.

"Why isn't your file in the employee files?"

"I don't know where it is. I tried to find my own file to put all the pieces together of who my father was and where I came from but I think the TVA has hid it from me." Loki looked puzzled but then he looked down at Ellinor and realized that she was a product of the lie of the TVA and she must a variant herself. In that one moment he sympathized with her. The Mobius he knew was under that same lie.

"What if you have another last name? Like how mine I've used Laufreson and Odinson. Maybe Howlett is your middle name?" Ellinor then looked at Loki with her eyes sparkling with promise.

"That's what I hope to discover on missions like this. I want to uncover my past that was taken away from me." Her eyes start to tear a little and she she tries to shake it off.

"Is that why you act so tough? Because you don't want anyone to know you are vulnerable?" Loki asks as he wipes away her tears.

"I don't get all that emotional. It just gets in the way of trying to find the answers."

"You can't bottle up your feelings forever. It's not healthy for you. Trust me, I know." Loki said as he continues to dance with her, trying to have a conversation with her as well.

"I just know my father must be out there somewhere but I don't know where he is at. So I search in all the timelines I'm in and hope to someday find him." She looks up at Loki, here eyes like somber emeralds.

"Since you are going to help me find Sylvie. I want to help you find your past. It only makes sense that I try to repay you someway." Loki said genuinely and Ellinor burst into tears, hugging Loki.

Loki tried to not draw attention to them so he quickly tapped her back and then whispered in her ear to remind her that they are in another timeline and not to draw suspicion.

She nodded and whispered on what needed to happen. Polaris needed to be elected a new member of the X-Men.

As Loki and Ellinor tried to influence people to vote for Polaris, Mobius was still searching for the man in the wheel chair.

He walked around until he ran into a blonde woman dressed head to toe in a brilliant white outfit fit for the White queen herself, Emma Frost.

"Pardon me. I'm sorry that I bumped into you, ma'am." Mobius tried to apologize and Emma looked at him.

"It's rude to run into a lady like that. Especially the White queen..." Emma said as she backed away from Mobius and looked at him with an icy stare.

"Again, my apologies, ma'am. I didn't mean to run into you." And Mobius started to walk away.

Emma used her mind control powers to freeze Mobius in his place.

"You don't just walk away from the White Queen of the Hellfire Club."

"Emma, it isn't worth it you know." A man behind her walked up to the situation. His eyes were intimidating to look at.

"Logan... always looking out for the little guy..." Emma Frost looked back and saw the man behind her.

"The last thing you need is a fight."

"Good point. I don't want to ruin the party and my dress... fine, Logan. You win..." and like that Emma walks away.

Logan smiles at Mobius.

"I guess I have finally learned how to trick the White Queen after all."

"What?" Mobius said, confused.

Logan smiles and then transforms into Ellinor.

"That look on your face was priceless." Ellinor said as she chuckled to herself.

"Thanks for the save."

"No problem, Mobius. It's the least I can do. Now, did you find the man?" Ellinor asked and asked Mobius was about to point, Loki was already over there, striking up a conversation with him.

Ellinor runs over there with Mobius not too far behind.

"Professor! Thank goodness I've found you!"

The man, Professor Charles Xavier, looked at Ellinor and smiled politely.

"So you were the one in distress. It's nice to put an actual face to a name."

Ellinor nodded and came close to the Professor. Loki stepped away, standing next to Mobius, both wearing puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Ellinor? How does this man know you?" Loki asked first.

"Loki, Mobius, this is Professor Charles Xavier. He is the professor that created the Xavier School for gifted students, AKA a school for mutants. The Professor is a telepath. So he reads minds and has read everyone's mind. So he knows who we all are."

Mobius' eyes become as big as saucers.

"If he knows who we all are... this timeline is compromised. Ellinor. What have you done?"

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