Chapter 1: Adachi Ayumi

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Adachi Residence,

24th June 2043.

Mrs. Tokoyami, Ayumi's personal maid, sighed as she stood in front of the lady's door. "To think Young Miss Ayumi was fighting such terrible battles all this time." Her gaze travelled across the courtyard, towards a building in the distance used to receive guests. "Still, I wonder what that man wants with the Young Miss."

The soft clack of a shut door shook Mrs. Tokoyami's pondering state. She turned to see Ayumi, dressed in a white hoody and fitted pants. Perhaps because she just came out of the shower, the young miss' long, hair glistened as they softly fell down her back like a dark waterfall. It was a rare sight, seeing the young miss' hair loose. This, coupled with the slight blush from the shower's heat would have given her a rare defenseless, cute expression were it not for her below-freezing gaze.

'Ah, the young miss always has too much on her shoulders.'

"Mrs. Tokoyami?" Ayumi softly questioned. "Does father seek my presence?"

The head maid bowed as she answered, "Yes, Young Miss. The Master requests your presence at the guesthouse. He said there is an important guest you must meet."

"A guest?" Ayumi was intrigued. Her father did not historically entertain many people at their home. In fact, as far as Ayumi recalled, the last 'guest' allowed was a marriage proposal from the owner of a major banking firm more than a year ago. He sought to bethrow his son and heir to Ayumi to tie their families together. Naturally, Ayumi refused, and fortunately, her father did not push it either, but she knew she had only bought herself some time.

The sole heiress of a massive conglomerate did not have as much control over her fate as most would imagine.

"Young Miss?"

Ayumi shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Sorry, I got distracted." She apologized, and then began walking out of the building. "I'll make my way over now. Do you know anything about our guest?"

"Nothing concrete, Young Miss," Mrs. Tokoyami regrettably confirmed. "But I do think he might be a gaijin*. He was a bit far, but he had blonde hair. I do not think a man his age would still dye their hair blond like a delinquent, would he?"

"Perhaps," Ayumi mused as she pondered on which of her father's acquaintances had blond hair. As far as she knew, most of those old men had gone bald from hair loss. Where would they find the hair to dye?

Once they exited the building, a young maid ran up to them with a tray in hand. She fell into step with the fast-walking duo as she opened the tray, revealing a plate of toast and eggs with a yoghurt drink.

Ayumi quickly, but elegantly eliminated everything on the tray, and then squeezed the yoghurt dry. "Thank you, Garou-chan." The young woman's gaze sharpened with renewed vigor as she watched the maid dash toward the kitchen.

Having replenished her energy, Ayumi walked to the guest building with enhanced determination. Whatever battle awaited her, she would face with the full extent of her abilities. Carrying this will, she entered the building and made her way to the conference room on the first floor.

"Young Miss," The head maid's worried gaze took in Ayumi's determination as she stopped in front of the door.

Ayumi took a deep breath and then, with a nod at Mrs. Tokoyami, softly knocked and then stepped into the room.

"And there she is."

The first thing that greeted Ayumi upon entering the room was a familiar blond man seated across from her, who grinned as he studied her stunned expression. "You..." Ayumi spluttered, losing control of her thoughts for a brief second. "What are you doing here."

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