Chapter 20: The Examiner

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Within the hall, Saeko looked at the agitated Seki with a raised brow. "What's wrong with him? I've never seen him like this."

"Heh, relief, I guess," said Taiga with a chuckle. "Su-chan's awakening is the first proof that everything they've worked on or sacrificed in the past decade is actually worth it." Shaking his head, he added with a wry smile. "Can't say I don't understand him. It feels good to know Henri and the others did not die for nothing—Ow!" Taiga yelped and looked at Saeko, who had angrily pinched his arm.

"Even without Suzuki, they did not die for nothing," she angrily protested. "You lived. That alone gives their lives meaning. Don't ever say that again."

"Ooh, who knew our Prince's eyes could look so beautiful when teary," teased Taiga as he patted her golden mane.

"Who's crying!?" Saeko snorted, slapped his hand away and returned to looking at the screen.

"Apologies, Your Highness." Taiga's laughter turned into a sublime smile as he observed Seki, who was wiping tears from his eyes. Under his breath, he whispered, "Congrats, Seki-tan. Looks like you'll get your guardians after all." He then shouted, "Oi, Seki-tan! Celebrate, but don't forget our bet!"

"Bet?" Seki paused and turned to Taiga, a thousand and one thoughts flying through his mind. Somewhat indecisive, he glanced at James, who only shrugged. "Fine. I'll reveal everything after the medical check-ups. Is that alright?"

Taiga playfully tapped his chin, then nodded. "Yeah, that should work. Fits my schedule."

Seki rolled his eyes in response.

At that moment, Yukino, Genaco's head physiotherapist and psychologist, walked into the room wearing a bright smile and holding a large pad that displayed the trainees' biometrics. Looking at Seki, she said, "I thought you'd like to know. Mato-kun's vitals spiked during his awakening, especially his brain activity." Glancing at Taiga and Saeko, she said, "It seems our assumption that the brain plays the largest role in awakening is correct."

Seki nodded. "That's good. We can use this as a baseline and improve the model going forward. For now, I want Mato under careful surveillance. This awakening must have stressed him out. Make sure there are no adverse effects. Ban him from the game if you have to."

Taiga snorted. "Good luck with that."

"I'll do my best," stated Yukino with a warm smile. "I don't think a ban will be necessary."

"Mm." Seki nodded and turned his attention to the screen. "Get ready. They should be exiting soon."


A heavy silence hung over the flooded compound as the trainees stared at Cassia's fallen head in disbelief. Could it be? Did that menace just die like that? So silently?

A loud crash brought everyone's attention to Suzuki, who suddenly stumbled, grasping onto his glaive to prevent himself from falling on his face. The young man removed his helmet and clutched his head, grimacing from the intense stabbing pain. It felt like thousands of needles were swimming in his skull, continuously piercing and stinging his brain and scalp.

Even someone as well-versed in self-torture as Suzuki had never felt pain like this. Only his immensely stubborn pride prevented him from wailing in pain. Still, after a particularly painful strike, he lost his grip and toppled over.

Plop. Before Suzuki hit the ground, Natsu and a one-legged Kimuri appeared on both sides and held him up.

"Whoa there, hero. You don't get to pass out before your victory lap." Kimuri lightly joked as he wrapped Suzuki's right hand around his neck.

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