Chapter 30: I'm Back Home

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As the sun reached its apex on the horizon, a pair of sentinel guards stood watchful at the majestic Northern Gate of Kerta. Their chainmail glinted with the fading light as they diligently scrutinized the umpteenth carriage hurtling toward the city's heart. The news of Kashi's imminent return had spread like wildfire, summoning souls from every corner of the land.

The air was thick with anticipation, the wind carrying whispers of hope and excitement. Merchants, each one a connoisseur of opportunity, descended upon the gates like a gathering storm. Canopies adorned with gems from distant mines formed a dazzling tableau, offering a glimpse of treasures from realms unknown.

"Haste, haste! I cannot languish here! What if Kashi's return unfolds before I pass through?" a merchant cried, his voice piercing the tumultuous symphony of fervour.

The guards' brows furrowed at the merchant's strident outcry, yet their demeanour remained steadfast. With a blend of precision and grace, they conducted thorough searches, their hands guided by instincts sharpened through years of service. With a nod of confirmation, they granted passage to the impatient merchant. Once, in an age not long past, the guards might have met such impertinence with retribution. Yet, the legacy of the Wolves, renowned protectors of Kerta, had woven compassion into the city's very soul.

As the merchant vanished into the throng beyond the gate, the guards gazed upon the sprawling line stretching to the distant horizon. The grandeur of Kerta's citadel, an architectural marvel melding ancient stone and enchanted spires, could hardly contain the sea of jubilant revellers. They knew many would find slumber beneath the stars, beneath the comforting embrace of the ever-watchful moon.

Lost in contemplation, an abrupt chorus of shrill cries erupted from the distance. The guards' hands instinctively found the hilts of their gleaming spears, the polished blades catching the rising sun's rays. Their eyes, like hawks honing in on prey, scoured the surrounding fields for the genesis of the disturbance. And there, in the midst of the expanse, they spotted figures pointing skyward, voices a crescendo of astonishment.

A majestic creature of such aged beauty, its golden scales scattering the sun's rays and showering the onlookers in what seemed to be light showers, swooped low, its height making a mockery of Kerta's high walls.

The guards swallowed hard as Skyrm came to a stop with a sharp flap of his wings. Like collapsing mountains, his feet shook the earth as he landed and lowered his neck. Before the guards could react, a few familiar figures leapt off the dragon's back.

The first, a black-scaled draconian, appeared by the guard's side and tapped their shoulders with a devilish grin. "Good work," he said before disappearing with his next step.

It must be understood that these guards were anything but weak. Protecting the gate was not a small job for riff-raff. In a world with powers, the guards needed a respectable amount of strength to hold off criminals and bad actors. So, it was understandable that these guards broke out in cold sweat when they realized they never had a chance to react to that draconian's speed.

Fortunately, they recognized the second figure. The daeben, Kashi! They had seen his picture, so at least they would not be getting fired. They moved to greet him, but Kashi swung his hand, causing a 'fissure' to appear. Without another word, he stepped into the 'fissure' and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Apologies. For obvious reasons, Kashi cannot be seen right now."

The guards baulked at the magnificent direwolf, who towered over them. They barely managed to nod, stepping out of the way to let her pass through the gates. Then, they did the same for Skyrm, who transmogrified to his hume form. The great Divine Dragon nodded at the guards as he passed, his every step seemingly transporting him tens of meters.

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