Chapter 18: BOOM!

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Two minutes earlier.

"Almost there." Natsu panted as they neared the tall obelisk that crashed into the ground, sending tremors far a wide. The chasing aliens, frightened by the strange object, launched several rockets to destroy whatever it was.

Fortunately, Natsu's ingenious run made her much closer to the drop point than any of her pursuers. Before the aliens' projectiles could reach, panels on the rectangular prism fell like a budding flower revealing two Gladiators standing next to each other.

One was a two meters tall, slim obsidian Gladiator with a gigantic guandao, a pole with a long, curved blade hung at its back. Its head resembled a wolf's, and it sported a long tail wrapped around its waist. The second Gladiator had a golden tint. Compared to the first's desolate monster tone, this one had more of a regal aura and was much more humanoid.

"What!?" Before Natsu could wrap her head around the incredulous sight, both Gladiators' eyes shone red as they came online. They dashed out of the obelisk, the golden one grabbing Natsu and Suzuki before escaping the blast zone.

"Natsu, switch!" While the explosion blasted the black container, Suzuki shouted and leapt off her back. Mid-air, he tore off the rope-sling and then fell into the Obsidian Gladiator, which had opened up at some point.

While the black Gladiator swallowed Suzuki, Natsu did not hesitate. She swiftly set the self-destruct timer on her current suit as it opened up, then leapt into the waiting embrace of the golden Gladiator. Due to both trainees' superhuman reflexes, the entire exchange occurred in less than two seconds. By the time the explosions peaked, Natsu and Suzuki, suited in a pair of Berserkers, glared at the surrounding aliens.

"I'll explain later." Suzuki knew that Natsu had a billion questions. But now was not the time to answer them. Within the suit, several needles stabbed into Suzuki's left shoulder, temporarily numbing the pain. "Let's go!" With those words, several thrusters emerged from Suzuki's back. The metallic Gladiator shuddered in response, and a low rumble resonated through the mech as energy surged through its powerful engines. The Gladiator roared to life, its joints flexing and whirring as if in intoxicated anticipation.

Suzuki's eyes narrowed as he assessed the enemy before them. Without hesitation, he took a step forward. Boom! Multiple thrusters engaged simultaneously, unleashing a torrent of raw power. The ground beneath his feet trembled as it surged forward, and the world blurred into streaks of light as he hurtled towards the enemy line. Though slightly slower, Natsu charged behind Suzuki, shamelessly using the latter as a shield from incoming fire.

As Suzuki closed in on his adversaries, the aliens turned their attention toward him. Their weapons buzzed, unleashing a barrage of missiles and lasers that streaked through the air, seeking o bring Suzuki's deadly Gladiator crashing down.

Faced with the crazy barrage, Suzuki snorted as he pushed the Gladiator further. Desperate winds howled around the black Gladiator, rushing air roaring in his ears. Time seemed to stretch as he closed the distance between himself and the incoming salvo, anticipation and adrenaline surging through his veins. As he tore across the compound, Suzuki pulled out the gigantic rod attached to his bag and expertly smacked away any and all projectiles.

Faced with Suzuki's overwhelming strength, once confident in their numerical advantage, the aliens struggled to keep up with his blinding speed.

For his part, Suzuki focused his attention on a giant alien with several mounted weapons and rugged shielding. It stood as the lynchpin of the enemy's attack, a formidable adversary without whom the enemy's long-range capabilities would greatly suffer. He had to be neutralized!

Suzuki's heart beat with a frigid determination as he slid to a stop, pulled back and then flung the glaive with everything he had. Kaboom! A sonic boom exploded as the glaive streaked across the compound in the blink of an eye. Bang! The enemy alien's defences shattered under the precise strike, its armour cracking and breaking as the blade through and skewered the alien within.

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