Chapter 28: Tricking Big Shots

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Kashi led the way, pushing the large door which opened to a sunny field packed with several 'small' houses made with brick and thatched roofs. Hundreds of giants walked across the fields, carrying large bundles toward the north. The draconian did not have time to figure out where they were headed before a loud, familiar bark drew his attention to the side.

Kashi's lips spread into a wide grin when he saw a familiar black direwolf trotting over from the side. 'Kira!" The draconian excitedly ran over and wrapped his arms around his old partner's neck before she could scamper away. Due to the logout deadline, he did not have time to chat with Kira after her return. He had so many questions!

"How are you? What was it like in that cocoon? Are you alright? What's your evolution like?"

Kashi inundated the poor direwolf with so many questions her eye nearly spun. Fortunately for Kira, Suzuki just about saved her.

Suzuki tapped Kashi's shoulder. "Relax. You're going to freak her out."

"Ah, oh, yeah." Kashi let out an embarrassed chuckle. He released his hold and took a step back, admiring Kira's new form. The Nightwind Direwolf's eyes still harboured much of the vicious recklessness Kashi remembered but tempered by a pearl of strange wisdom. Kashi smiled. "Looks like you gained more than pure strength from your evolution."

"So it would seem," Kira raised her head, nose pointed high with pride. "Similar to Drixlia, I unlocked my bloodline heritage. I've received the qualifications to become a demigod. It is only by my wish that I remain here."

"Hehe, can't bear to leave me behind, can you? I knew you cared for me."

Kira snorted. "As if. I'm merely heeding Belrug's warning. Being locked in an eternal battle for arbitrary good and evil does not interest me. I'd much rather stay here. My life has much more meaning here"

"Sure, sure. As long as you believe it." Kashi dismissively waved his hand. "So? How is it? What kinda upgrades did you get? Your wind control was insane. Are you an Elementalist now or what?"

"Elementalist? No." Kira rolled her eyes. "Stop using yourself as a standard. Elementalists are supposed to be rare. No, I gained plenty of wind magic spells from my bloodline. But, with dedicated training, I can touch upon wind control."

"Not bad," Kashi nodded. "What else?"

"There's my ancestral sword, Gungnir," reported Kira. "It's the chosen weapon of every generation's Nightwind Direwolf. As the current Nightwind Direwolf, I can summon it from its resting place in the Netherrealm. Utilizing it requires immense mental energy, which is why my mental strength exploded after my evolution."

"Huh. There didn't seem to be anything special about it." Kashi murmured as he recalled the sword Kira used while fighting Razznik. "I mean, it's very well crafted to have survived a bout against Razznik, but nothing that should need that much mental acuity."

"Yes. But that is only because I'm still weak. Gungnir has three levels. I've barely activated the first. I require far more training to unlock the second and third. Only then will we truly see its potential."

Kashi grinned. "Now, we're talking." He was not as interested in the sword as in Kira's mental strength. Right now, she could maintain a steady, instinctual communications link connecting at least twenty people in the midst of battle. He could not imagine what she could do when she improved further. For all his strengths, Kashi did not have any mental skills, nor did he have a clue on how to cultivate them. Having Kira by his side would bolster his strengths and shore up his weakness.

"But that's not all." Kira's pupils shone with multi-coloured light. The light spread over her body, then spilt, forming five clones coloured red, blue, translucent, yellow and green.

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