Chapter 25: Power of Friendship

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Shouyou's Office.

James Shouyou stood next to the floor-to-ceiling windows that lined one end of his office, overlooking the brightly lit compound below. Sipping from his mug, the man-alien's lips curled into a smile as he recalled the trainees' shocked expressions. Was he taking a risk revealing the truth to them so early? Very much so. But James did not mind. First, he believed in the kids Akari picked out from all the chaff, but most importantly, these kids were just one of the many cards he'd planted. If they faltered, there were many more willing to take their place in a heartbeat.

"Hm?" James' eyes shone with amusement as he turned to the door. "I knew you would not last the night, Su-kun." The name left his lips as the office door slid open, revealing Suzuki at the head of a determined group. "Why, come right in. I have an open-door policy for a reason."

James observed Suzuki. The paranoid teenager's eyes darted around the room while walking in, glancing past the many arcade games and more. But he made sure not to step in too far, stopping after only a few meters in.

If it were anyone else, they would consider Suzuki disrespectful. But James had observed Suzuki for many years. He knew the paranoid youth felt trapped in the room since it only had one viable 'escape' route. Suzuki chose to stay close to the door to increase his chances of escape should James pull some dastardly prank on him—it would not be the first time.

Smiling, James returned to his executive chair and clasped his hands together. "So, Suzu-kun, what brings you here at this ungodly hour? Haven't you heard nothing good happens after 2 a.m? There might be demons about."

"Why should I be scared when I'm with the devil himself?" Suzuki snarled, apparently not in the mood to deal with James' usual bullshit. "Cut the shit. I know you know why we're here. Spill it."

"Oh?" James chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "You here about our tiny daeben friend, Zuri? I told you, we can barely keep her alive with our current technology. Any more, and you're asking too much."

"Huh?" Suzuki faltered, caught off-guard by James' bouncy thoughts. "No, that's not why we're here, but since we're on the subject: you're a supposedly ancient fucking advanced lifeform capable of space travel, gene manipulation and neural cloning. You expect me to believe a coma is what stumps you?"

James shrugged. "You're right. My people can easily cure Zuri, but as I told you earlier, I don't have access to the full gamut of my species' abilities. Also, I am not permitted to release the technology required to heal her to this planet—at least, not until the test is over."

Suzuki's eyes trembled. He turned to Taiga, frustration and anger mixed with renewed determination and hope. "So, if we win, there's a chance to heal Taiga. Is that what you're saying?"

"Did I say that?" James glanced at Taiga. "Taiga-kun's injuries are much more serious than Zuri's. His comes from gene damage from awakening too early in a body unsuited for such strength. It can't be fixed, even with the most advanced technologies in the galaxy. At best, they'll add five to ten years to his lifespan."

"Don't fuck with me!" Suzuki shouted in rage. He crossed the room in a single breath and snatched James by his perfect collar. "I know you have a way to save him. Don't toy with me and just spill it!"

James brushed his slightly dishevelled hair with his hand. Looking into Suzuki's burning dark eyes, he recalled a similar scene when Mato Ryumaki forced him to swear he would look after Suzuki. "Heh, you're just like your father." Smiling, he gently squeezed and then pushed Suzuki's hand away. He straightened his collar with his free hand and said, "Yeah, there's a way to cure Taiga-kun, but can you pay the price?"

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