Ask #10

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I'm a bit late to this one, but I'm still gonna do it

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I'm a bit late to this one, but I'm still gonna do it. I think I'm just going to do this as a scenario, which if you have any ideas for some, comment them down.

Also this is before they turn into the Good Guys.
It was now Thanksgiving. A time to be grateful for all the things we have. The Bad Guys were seated at the table, eating the Thanksgiving feast that Piranha prepared.

Skyler, who was seated in between Wolf and Snake, was stuffing her face with mac and cheese. "Calm down, Sky. It isn't going anywhere," Wolf said, letting out a few chuckles.

Skyler looked up at her adoptive father and smiled cutely. "I'm sorry, Daddy. It's just really good!" "I know, but I don't want you to choke." "Otay!" Skyler said. The little mermaid then went back to eating. After a few minutes of eating and talking, Wolf tapped on his glass with a spoon and stood up.

"Now, since it's Thanksgiving, I think we should all say what we are thankful for," Wolf announced. "Would anyone like to go first?" "Ooh, me! Pick me!" Shark said, raising his hand. "Alright, Shark, you can go first."

"Yes! Now, I'm thankful for having food, a roof over my head, and an amazing niece and friends to be criminals with!" "Aw, that was sweet, Shark," Webs said. "Spoken truthfully," Piranha said.

Wolf chuckled before looking over at Snake. "Want to say anything, Sweetheart?" He asked. Snake hesitated, but said, "I'll let Webs or Piranha go next." "Alright. Webs, Piranha?" "I'll go," Webs said. "Like Shark, I'm thankful for having a roof over my head, being able to have food and cloth myself, and having good times with amazing friends."

"I liked yours, Auntie Webs," Skyler said. "Thanks, Seastar." "Me next!" Piranha said. "Alright, you can go, Piranha," Wolf said. "Alright! So, what I'm most thankful for is being able to spend the rest of my life with such amazing friends!" "Aw, thanks, Piranha," Shark said.

"Well, I'll go next. I'm thankful that Snake and I decided to create the Bad Guys because now I'm able to spend my life with friends who have become like family. And I'm also thankful that we decided to take in Skyler since she really completes this family," Wolf said.

Everyone smiled at Wolf. "That was really sweet, Wolf," Snake said. "Spoken like a true poet, Wolf," Shark said. Wolf smiled before looking between Snake and Skyler. Neither of two had spoken yet. "What about you two?" Snake and Skyler looked at each.

"Can I go last, Papa?" Skyler asked. "Alright, I'll go. Well, I'm not good with this kind of stuff, so I'll keep it short," Snake said. "Like Wolf, I'm actually glad that we decided to form the Bad Guys. Although it may seem like I hate you guys, deep down, you all are really like my family. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope I'll be able to spend the rest of my life with you all."

Everyone was shocked by Snake's words, but smiled either way. "That was so sweet that I can't believe it came from you, Snake," Webs said. Snake playfully rolled his eyes as he said, "Don't get used to it." Everyone then looked over at Skyler. "It's your turn to talk now, Princess," Wolf said.

The little mermaid looked between her family before taking a deep breath. "I'm thankful for... Honestly, you guys. When I was abandoned on that beach, I didn't think anyone would come and save me. That I would just be left there to die..." Skyler paused for a moment before continuing. "But then... you guys came along. You took me in when nobody would even give me their leftovers. You gave me a chance when nobody else did. I don't care if you guys are criminals. At least I'm was taken in by loving and caring people, who I truly see as my family. So, I'm thankful for you guys. I'm also thankful that you guys decided to give me a chance. I really thank you for that..."

By the time Skyler finished, everyone was in tears. "That... was so beautiful, Sky," Shark said, tears running down his face. "We never knew you felt like that, Seastar," Webs said as she tried to dry her tears. "Believe me when I say this, Sky, that you are by far the best thing that could have happened to us," Wolf said, trying to wipe away his tears with his sleeve.

"How did we ever get so lucky with you?" Snake asked as he smiled and had tears running down his face. "It's because we decided to take her in when every other "good" person wouldn't!" Piranha said, tears prickling his eyes. "Yeah, I'm glad you guys are my family," Skyler said. "We're glad your part of our family too," Wolf said.

The evening ended with the gang watching movies and falling asleep on the couch together. All of them had smiles on their faces as they cuddled up and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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