Chapter 17: Secrets reveal

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A drip of water hits on Y/n's head and then 5 seconds later it drips on his head again. Soon he let out a groan and slowly he sat up and look around and see he is in a cell but not the cell from the Magic council have but a cell without any windows and have one door which was the exit.

He try to remember what happened then suddenly remembered what happened and spring up and hit his shoulder onto the metal door over and over again while he yell out to anyone outside.

Y/n: I swear to god if you lay a singal hand on Lucy I will kill you all! Let me out! Let me out!!!!!!

There was nothing but slince as he step back and look around for another way out but there's nothing to escape.

Y/n: (thought) Damn it, what should I do? Apollyon and the others are fighting the Phantom Lords right now, Mirajane is still out Fairy Tail not knowing we've been captured and Lucy lost her celestial spirit keys. Shit, there's got to be a way to get out of here.

Then he heard the door in front of him unlocking so he hide beside it and seconds later the door open and two Stormtroopers enter his cell and look around for him but they find nothing.

Stormtrooper: Where did he go?

Seconds later Y/n kicked the Stormtrooper forward, slamming him into the wall while the other try to hit him with a butt of his blaster rifle but he grabs the rifle and the two struggle while the other stood up and pulls out his blaster rifle but he made the Stormtrooper to turn and soon the Stormtrooper gets hit by accidentally by his own.

Then he throws the body onto the ground while he has his blaster rifle and dodged a few shots before he fire three shots at the Stormtrooper with the last shot was a head shot.

Stormtrooper 3: Freeze!

Then a third Stormtrooper enter the room while aiming his blaster rifle at him. At first Y/n was about to turn around and shoot him but suddenly there was scream from behind and he turn around to see a red saber stab through the Stormtrooper as the body fell while both Inquisitors from before came into his cell while Y/n aims his blaster rifle at them but then one of them a male deactivate his light saber and tell him.

Inquisitor 2: Take it easy Mandalorian, we're not here to harm you.

Y/n: Bullshit, I don't believe you.

Inquisitor 3: We're telling you the truth. Listen, we're not fully fallen to the dark side, we're jedi.

Y/n: Why should I believe you?

Then the two took off their Inquisitor helmets and show Y/n their faces and Y/n's sees their eyes are normal and they looked to be friendly. He stare at them a bit and then he lower his blaster and then ask.

Y/n: Who are you two?

Paul: My name is Jedi Knight Paul.

Ross: And My name is Ross, also Jedi Knight. You may not believe us but we never fallen to the dark side and the reason why we join as Inquisitor is so we can gather information and warn Jedi of our coming.

Y/n: What?

Paul: After the grand Inquisitor was killed, many other Inquisitors take up leadership so they can be grand Inquisitor. They form the Council of the Inquisitor, they're basically like the Jedi council but they serve the empire and to the Emperor and to Darth vader. Me and Ross make them to believe we have fallen to the dark side by tapping in the dark side a small bit but enough to fool the others.

Ross: We master a way to hide ourselves from the Emperor and other sith and that's how we ended up in their ranks. I know this may surprise or suspicious you but believe us, we're on yourself.

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