Chapter 45: The members of Cait shelter

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On a super star destroyer hovering over the planet of Earthland we see Jason Moff looking out of the windows of his bridge looking down at the planet of Earth with his arms back and standing at attention.

He stare at the planet well focused when a Death trooper walks up behind him and tells him.

Death trooper: Sir our forces are ready to be deploy.

Jason: Good. Deploy them onto the planet and remember the plan.

Death Trooper: Yes sir.

Then a imperial officer walks over to Jason.

Imperial officer: Sir the leader of the Oracion Seis is contacting you.

Jason moves away from the window and make his way to the holo table where he activates and a hologram of the leader of the Oracion seis name Brain as he spoke.

Brain: (hologram) Is your forces ready?

Jason: Indeed. They will be deployed as soon as possible.

Brain: (hologram) Your forces know how to deal with wizards right? Especially powerful ones.

Jason: I can ensure you they are well trained. I have studied each and every singal one of them. Besides I'll allow you and your guild to handle them while we deal with their less weaker threats.

Brain: (hologram) Very wise. However I request something.

Jason: That being?

Brain: (hologram) We need someone alive in order for our plan to succeed.

Jason: I see and who would that be?

Brain: (hologram) I girl name Wendy. I want her alive and brought to me at once.

Jason: Very well then. I'll inform the troops and they will capture her with no problem.

Brain: (hologram) Good. This alliance will work well.

Jason: I could've agree more Brain.


We see all the guilds gathered however they were caught off guard when members of Cait shelter have a child to take part of the battle.

They stood there a bit silence while Wendy looks nervous with everyone looking at her. Jura stare at her and thenhe says like nothing happened.

Jura: Now with everyone here we shall begin.

Gray: He's not even phase by this!

Jeanne: Why would cait shelter have theie child here? Do they know it is dangerous?

Nick: Seems idiotic for them to do but then again she could hold some powerful magic.

R0-gr: Too bad she's alone.

???: She isn't alone!

Then a cat who is like happy but had white furr and is female came over ans stood next to Wendy.

Wendy: Oh carla you came?

Carla: Yes, a child shouldn't be wondering off in a hurry.

Eve, Hibiki and Ren: Pretty kitty~!

Lucy: You flirt with cats too!?

R0-gr: I thought Happy was the only one?

Nick: Yeah but I bet he'll has a crush on her.

They all turn and sees Happy fall extremely in love with Carla which they knew it right away.

Wendy: (nervous) Sorry. I know I may not be strong as all of you but I can use support magic. So please can you join I'll be embarrasse if you take me back!

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