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I stumbled into the church. She was standing at the altar, dressed in white. She looks beautiful.

I wish I didn't drink so much, maybe then I wouldn't have come here. I walked closer and closer to her before pressing my gun into her skull, I took the safety off my gun and a loud shot went off.

* * *

I gasped sharply before sitting upright in my bed. I wiped the sweat from my forehead while calming my breathing down.

Fucking nightmares!

I've been having them ever since I got home from the hospital. I painfully climbed out of bed before looking around my empty bedroom.

I held onto my stomach before pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it aside. I looked down at the bandage covering my wound before sighing tiredly.

"Viktor." I heard a soft voice calling me and I frowned before looking over at my opened door.

"What?" I asked when I saw Vera standing there.

"You were talking in your sleep again." She said softly while avoiding eye contact with me. "Are you okay?" She asked me and I silently left my room.

Without answering her question I went into my bathroom before turning the shower on.

"Viktor?" She called tiredly from outside my bathroom door.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I said angrily before undressing and climbing under the shower.

The water streamed down my face and I just wanted to forget. About everything.

When I was done I climbed out of my shower before wrapping a towel around my waist. I went back into my room and the entire house was silent.

That means that she left.

The sun was slowly starting to rise so I decided to get dressed. I grabbed a black Givenchy suit. I quickly got dressed before pulling some shoes on. I combed my fingers through my hair before jogging downstairs.

"Dominik!" I yelled and my new right hand man came jogging up to me.

"Boss." He said and I ran a hand through my hair.

"Why is my car not ready?" I asked angrily and he frowned.

"Sir I thought you would go through the garage-" he started and I nodded slowly.

"You're fired." I said blankly before going back into my house. I went into my garage before climbing into my car and driving outside.

"Worthless." I said under my breath before driving through my gate. Ivan would've- I didn't even have to ask him for dumb shit like parking my car in front of my house.

Another win for the Marroquín's, right? They killed my right hand man and they still ended up being the heroes in her eyes.

I drove down to my company building before parking in the underground garage. I locked my car before entering the elevator. It stopped at the first floor and I groaned in frustration before pressing on the twenty third floor's button.

A girl came running towards the elevator and I blankly looked at her. If she expects me to hold the door for her then she's sorely mistak-

"Sir! Can you please hold the door for me!" She yelled as the papers in her hands scattered to the floor.

What an idiot?

She started scraping the papers up as the elevator slowly started to close and a satisfied smile settled on my face.

But then she placed her hand on one of the doors before forcing them open again and I glared down at her in annoyance.

"Hello! Merhaba!" She said in a bubbly tone and I chose to ignore her.

"Shut up." I said rudely and she placed something in my pocket so I stumbled away from her.

"Did you know, you can find sunshine in the rain?" She asked me with a smile on her face and I frowned at her.

"Did you know you're walking on thin ice?" I asked her and she frowned.

"What a Debby downer. Alah alah." She said in disbelief as the elevator stopped, she quickly scurried down the hallway and I frowned at the weirdo I just met.

"Parshivets." Brat, I said under my breath. Who is that girl and why have I never seen her around here?

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